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Abby’s P.O.V.

Present day.

I heard the doorbell ring and I ran down the stairs, it was Rylie and Shania.

“Hey, glad you could make it!” I said

“Sorry we are so late, my brother got stuck at work, and the ‘rents are out to dinner.” Rylie said.

“It’s okay, come on in, Anna and Ally are up stairs.” I said.

We walked up stairs and into my room and Rylie and Shania threw their stuff onto my bed.

“Hey guys, we were just about to start!” Anna said.

“Start what?” Shania asked

“Truth,” Anna started, “or dare.” Ally finished with a smirk.”

“I’m down for that shit!” Rylie said.

“Rylie, are swears the only words in your vocabulary?” I said and chuckled.

“Pretty fuckin’ much!” Rylie joked.

We all sat down on my floor and Shania volunteered to ask a question first.

“Ally, truth or dare?”

“Um, dare.”

“Okay, I dare you to go to the bathroom and put your pants on backwards but kep them like that for the rest of the game.” Shania said.

“Really?!” Ally complained.

“Hey you chose dare.” Shania said.

“Fine.” Ally got up and walked into the bathroom. It took her a little while because she was wearing skinny jeans. When Ally walked back into the room, we all cracked up because she was waddling. The jeans were really poofy in the front because that is where the butt is supposed to be.

“Haha, you look so fucking funny!” Rylie said.

“Rylie!” I said.

“Sorry, force of habit.” she tried to get out over all of the laughing.

“Yeah, yeah, now it’s my turn. Rylie,” Ally said and Rylie immediately looked at Ally and stopped laughing, “truth or dare.”

“Dare!” Rylie said.

“I dare you to,” Ally paused, then, for an instant her face lit up and an evil smirk grew on her face, “I dare you to NOT swear for the REST of the game.”

“What, you got to be fucking kidding me?”

“In 3,” Ally started counting down.

“Wait come on Ally, I can’t--”


“Ally what the fu--”

“1!” she cut Rylie off. Rylie slumped and said,

“Now it’s my turn. Anna, truth or dare?”

“Truth.” Anna said.

“Anna, do you still have feelings for Harry?”

Oh no she didn’t? Anna hasn’t spoken about Harry since sophomore year. She still has never told him that she didn’t have time for him but I think he got the point when she always avoided the topic, but still, Rylie and Anna were best friends and they even haven’t talked about it. I hope Anna doesn’t get pissed.

“Huhh,” Anna let out a huge sigh. “It’s time you guys new the truth. Rylie you know how I quit lacrosse in junior year because of my shoulder injury, well the doctor did say that I had to stop playing lacrosse for about ten months but I lied and told you guys that I couldn’t play lacrosse any more.”

“What does this have to do with fuc I mean fudging Harry?” Rylie corrected herself.

“I’m getting there. Well I quit the lacrosse team because that was the one thing that was always taking up the most time on my schedule and I quit because I, um, I started to go out with Harry.”

“What! Anna, I am your best fucking friend and you didn’t tell me about this?” Rylie yelled.

“Oh, she broke her dare!” Ally pointed out.

“I don’t fucking care I am trying to get to the bottom of this. Anna, really, why didn’t you tell me about this?

“I no, I’m so sorry. It’s just, well, because we always hang out together as a group, the ten of us, I just wanted time alone with Harry and we didn’t want anyone to know about it.” Anna confessed.

“So the other guys don’t know about it either?” I questioned.

“No, well at least, not yet. I told Harry that I didn’t want to keep the secret from you guys any longer because it was just eating away at me and I told him that this weekend I was going to tell this to you guys. And Rylie, I am really sorry that I didn’t tell you.”

“Anna, its fine, I over reacted. I would have done the same thing if I wanted to spend more time with my boyfriend.” Rylie said.

“So, Anna, is Harry a good kisser?” Shania questioned.

“Oh, my, god is he ever! It feels like heaven!” Anna said with a smile.

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