Hard Feelings

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Ally’s POV

“Does anything seem different about Liam?” Anna asked Louis and I who were walking to lunch.

“Yeah, he seems kind of reserved and I always see him with some girl.” Louis said. “What is the deal with them? Are they like a thing because I have never seen that girl before?” Louis asked Anna.

“Well Harry and I think so because the other day when I went to the office because Mrs. Davis told me to, I saw Liam walking with that girl and they were holding hands.” Anna explained to us and about how they confronted him in the closet too.

“Really? I think he is lying about her being his cousin because no one does that with their cousin.” I said entering the cafeteria.

“Yeah, I agree.” Louis said.

                We got in line for lunch and Louis asked the cafeteria lady if he could have extra carrots with his meal and she gave him another scoop because he gave her one of his charming smiles to get what he wants. We looked and saw the rest of the crew sitting at our lunch table.

“Hey guys.” Liam said like the situation that happened between Harry, Anna, and him never went down.

“Hey Liam, hey guys.” We said sitting down next to them.

“I would like for you to meet Danielle, my cousin.” Liam said looking at Harry and Anna especially. Harry shook his head and Anna just looked down at her food.

“Hi, I’m Ally, nice to meet you.” I said waving hello.

“Danielle, this is Ally, Anna, Harry, Zayn, Shania, Louis, Abby, Rylie, Josh, and Niall.” Liam introduced us.

“I have been to some of Liam’s family parties, how come I haven’t seen you there before?” Louis asked. Harry snickered and Anna spit out some of her applesauce.

“Because we haven’t really been in touch with the family awhile.” Danielle said without hesitation.

“Oh. Liam has never mentioned you before--”

“Louis,” Liam cut him off, “she is my cousin that I have never really talked about because I never really seen her before, okay?” Liam said looking him in the eye.

“Someone is on their MANstrual cycle.” Louis said taking a bite of his carrots. Harry spit his taco meat in Anna face because he was laughing so hard over Louis remark. Liam huffed and ate some of his food.

                I turned to look at Rylie who was looking all goo-goo eyed at Josh. I think something just isn’t right with them. Josh doesn’t really look like he really likes her. He just never shows any affection towards her. I don’t know, I just don’t think they look right together.

“Hey guys, guess what?” Rylie asked us.

“What?” We all asked in unison.

“Josh got his painting hung up in the capital yesterday.” She said hugging him. He wrapped his arms around her and they shared a kiss. Okay maybe I was wrong he does show some affection towards Rylie but I just can’t see it in his eyes that he truly likes her.

I turned to look at Liam had a blank stare. He looked at Josh in jealously almost, like he wanted Rylie to kiss him. Then I looked at Danielle and she was looking at Liam the same way he was looking at Rylie. What is going on? I thought Danielle was his cousin? Okay this is some freaky shit. I saw that Anna was also looking at Danielle and I could tell by Anna’s facial expressions that she was probably thinking the same thing I was.

Is Danielle really Liam’s cousin?

“Okay that’s enough.” Liam said to Rylie and Josh.

“Is someone jealous because they aren’t in a relationship?” Josh said to Liam.

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