Chapter 6 : Nightmare

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As I climbed up the stairs to the Gryffindor common room, the large portrait of a fat lady in a pink dress moved around and looked at me. 

“Password?” she asked as usual. 

I groaned. I hadn’t been listening to Percy when he first said what the password was at the feast. 

Suddenly the portrait door swung open. It was Percy, the perfect prefect. 

“I WAS wondering where you’d went. I was worried, Alex. Don’t do that again, okay?” He said sternly. 

“The new password is Fortuna Major! Got that?” Percy yelled to all the Gryffindors in the common room. 

“Oh no,” Neville groaned. He always had a hard time remembering passwords. 

Through the portrait hole and across the common room, the girls and boys divided towards their separate staircases. I smiled. I slowly climbed up the spiral stairs up to the 3rd floor girl dormitories for 3rd year girls. I reached the familiar, circular dormitory with its five four-poster beds. I looked around, breathed deeply. I was back at Hogwarts. 

I told myself that I would finish unpacking tomorrow, and decided it was time to sleep. I was about to snuggle into the comfy bed, when Alice stopped me. 

“Hey deary. Care to explain where you disappeared to? And your unusual actions this evening?” she asked with a smirk.

“Um. What?” I said, pretending to be confused. 

“Yes, please do,” Hermione said, joining Alice with a smirk. 

“What are you guys talking about?” I said nervously, my palms sweating like crazy. 

“Oh you know… Just casually walking over to the Slytherin table to talk to Mr. Draco Malfoy? Who came into our carriage, just for you?” Alice hissed, glaring into my face.

“FINE… I don’t know… When I first saw him in the train today… My heartbeat became faster and stuff…” I replied sheepishly, blushing crazily.

“OH snapp. Are you in love with Hogwarts’ bad boy?” Alice whispered with a gasp. 

“I… think so.” 

“Oooh!” Hermione cooed.

“OH, SHUT UP HERMS!” I complained, punching her lightly on the shoulder. 

“CAN YOU GUYS SHUT UP?” Parvati Padil’s voice traveled from the far end of the room. 

“Sorry! We’ll go to sleep now!” Hermione said apologetically. 

“You better!” Lavender Brown’s voice said angrily. 

“TELL ME MORE TOMORROW, LEXY!” Alice said excitedly.

“Lexy…?” I looked at her in confusion.

“Like sexy… I think Draco should call you that! You know. A special name only he calls you!” Alice whispered, winking. 

“He already has a name for me,” I murmured.

“Mmm. Tell us tomorrow, okay babe?” Hermione muttered, slipping under the covers of the four poster bed. 

“Kay. Love you guys.” I mumbled.

I heard Alice’s snore in reply.

Giggling, I fell fast asleep. 


My eyes opened as I looked around. No one was in their beds. Pulling off the covers, I swung my legs to the side of the bed. I got up and looked around the room. 

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