
461 19 8

Jessie's POV

I stand on the large remake of the amulet in the middle of the town we had helped some of the survivors of the storm build.

The place was beautiful.

It had walls surrounding it.

We had a large fortress that we planned to live together.

It was no treehouse, but it was still nice.

Petra in the end decided to stay with us, and surprisingly Lukas joined us as well.

It was something that might cause us problems cause of Aiden and his friends, or minions, but right now I didn't want to worry about that.

Or anything.

Right now I wanted to take all of this in.

This was my home now.

And the crowd that cheers my name along with my friends looked at us as heroes.

Real heroes.

Gabriel walks up onto the stage, his eyes free from their pinkness from the storm, all his memories returning once the storm was dead.

He waves to the crowd that cheers loudly at the sight.

"Perhaps they deserve to know the truth." He whispers, making me cross my arms.

I nod to him.

"Gabriel, you owe it to them to tell the truth." I state, making him nod.

He knew it was true, and he knew he had to do it.

It was the only thing that made sense to Jessie.

Telling the truth about the old order seemed right.

But she couldn't help but feel guilty about not telling her friends about her past.

But maybe one day she would.

"Shush!" Gabriel shushes the crowd, waving his hand to get their attention.

The crowd looks to him with eyes filled with wonder.

I feel a pang of regret.

Maybe I should have let them believe.

"Everyone! There is something you need to know about the Order of the stone before the cerimony can begin." Gebriel starts.

Ivor, who stands off to the side with Ellegaurd and Magnus, looks shocked.

Soren hadn't been seen since he ran off, so he wasn't here.

Next time I see him I'll have to remember to give him a good old right hand.

"We have lied to you. We didn't really do the things we said." Gabriel sighs, making the crowd look confused.

"We used the command block to falsify our legacy." He states, sounding so ashamed.

The crowd looks so betrayed.

Though I had second thoughts, it is for the best they know.

I rest my hand on Gabriel's shoulder, giving him a reasurring look.

He nods to me.

"Thank you all for listening, now I had the stage over to the real heroes.." Gabriel states, going back to the order.

Ivor gives him a nod, and I have a feeling there won't be any more fights between the two of them.

Petra nods for me to say something.

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