Chapter 16

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Jesse's POV

My back hits the wall of a makeshift house behind me, making my heart race.

Petra clasps my hand, making my own grip her's.

I take comfort in the small touch.

But as the griefers get closer and closer, I can't help but have that feeling leave my body.

That is, until I figure it out.

Behind us the wall has vines all over it.

"Climb the vines." I whisper, putting Reuben on my back.

Once they are close enough we all spin around, jumping up onto the vines and climbing as fast as we can.

My arms feel weak as I climb, making it hard to pull myself forward as we neer the halfway point.

Petra looks back, seeing me trailing behind.

"Jesse!" She shouts, making me look down.


TNT surrounds the edges of the walls, making me gulp.

That would blow us sky high.

"Go! I'll catch up!" I shout, forcing myself to work harder to get to the top.

The others are already there by the time the griefers start lighting the explosives, and I'm just a few blocks away.

I'm more worried about getting Reuben up there than getting myself up there.

My heart races as I feel my hands slipping, making me tighten my grip.

But the simple act makes me feel weak.

Reuben yelps at the jolt.

A flurry of coughs rakes my body, making me start to fall backwards as each cough hits me hard.

"Jesse! Climb up!" Axle shouts, making me lean forward.

TNT starts blowing up below me, making me reach upwards when I cannot climb any further.

Axle and Petra reach down, pulling me onto the roof of the house.

As soon as I'm safeish I gasp for air, letting all the coughs I held in out.

Reuben rolls off my back shortly after I land hard, looking scared and worried.

"Jesse? Are you alright?" Axle asks, looking concerned.

I nod, getting up.

"I'm fine. Let's find Magnus and get out of this God forsaken place." I say, my voice cracking slightly.

We look around for which way we should go.

"Alright. I suggest we make our way that way, and try to avoid most of the people in the town." Petra adds, looking distracted.

I shrug it off, not really knowing what's up with her.

"Good idea. Now, if we get split up, just keep heading the the tower." I advise.

Each of them nod.

Axle takes Reuben from me before I can put him back on my shoulders, putting my brother on his own shoulders.

I sigh, knowing that Reuben would be safer with someone that can actually walk two feet without dieing.

I nod my thanks to him, only to see Petra staring at me fro mthe corner of my eye.

She has that look on her face that screams suspicious, but I try and ignore it, hoping she isn't catching on.

The group can't find out about this.

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