Chapter 36

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Jessie's POV

We land hard inside of the storm, finding ourselves in what seems to be a hallway.

I shiver at the thought of almost being trapped in here.

Gabreil had done it for almost a month.

If I had counted the days properly that is.

I had no idea how time worked here.

Sun and moon.

That's all they had.

And I figured out that my phone only tells the time of the world I came from.

Over there is was six am.


Over here it had to be the middle of the night.

"Jessie? You okay?" Petra asks, dusting off her black shorts.

I nod, finally pushing myself to my feet.

Man, this place had to just reek with the smell of death and sickness didn't it?

We walk over to each other, seeing all the people stuck in the storm with glowing white eyes.

Petra tries to hide a frightened gasp as she back up into a chicken that had gotten stuck in here.

She shivers at the sight of its eyes.

"At least we know that they aren't dead." She mutters, obviously creeped out.

I nod, agreeing.

This place could freak anyone out.

"Let's get to that block so we can get the heck out of here!" I say, using my hands to speak.

Petra nods, taking out the sword.

I take out the Axe, ready for whatever this thing can do.

Before we can take two steps down the path, it flips on its side, sending us spiraling downwards.

My back smashes against the blocks, making all the air leave my lungs.

A cough escapes me as I choke trying to get air back into my lungs.

"Jessie!" Petra shouts, helping to my feet.

Air returns to me, making me sigh.

If she wasn't here, I don't think I would have been able to get up.

At least I don't have the sickness.

"We need to get to that block before that happens ag-" before I can finish the hallway topples again and this time Petra lands on top of me, making my breath leave me again.

This time not because of the blow to my back.

Her cheeks were tinted red at how close we were to each other, and I felt my own heat up.

"Sorry." Petra mutters, rolling off of me to help me up.

We get to our feet, not able to look at each other again as we walk the rest of the way through the weird hall.

Once in the giant cave like dome at the end, we see it.

Surrounded by rounded colomns of black blocks is the command block, standing high and mighty.

We both snap out of our embarrassed daze at the sight.

"We need to get this over with." She states, making me nod.

"I couldn't agree more." I agree.

We climb the blocks to the small platform that holds the cursed block, holding our weapons, ready to strike.

When She Went To ThemKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat