Chapter 4

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Petra's POV

"Hey! Guys! I think I've found something!" Jesse's voice carries out from the dead end.

I rush over, seeing Olivia glaring, eyes filled with suspision at Jesse.

Axle stands there, avoiding my gaze.

"What is it?" Axle asks, happy to get my attention away from him.

"A lever." She states, pulling it down.

Not a moment later the end of the room opens up to reveal soul sand with a weird block in the middle of the golden like pattern.

"What is that?" Olivia asks, edging forward.

Jesse stops her, nudging her back in line with the rest of us.

"I don't think you should touch that." She offers, making Olivia huff and look away angrily.

What's up with her?

Jesse walks forward, Reuben holding onto her leg for dear life.

"Wait, this is the recipe for a wither!" She exclaims, her gaze locked on the block.

Reuben tugs on her shirt, making her look down.

"Jesse, isn't that a command block?" Reuben whispers, trying to hide his voice from the three of us.

Jesse opens her mouth to answer only to yelp when Rueben is swiped from her side.

Lukas stands there, holding Reuben back from the others.

"Alright. Tell me what the hell you guys are up to now, or I will make sure you never see pipsqueak here again." He threatens, making Jesse gasp.

I however narrow my eyes.

"Tell me! Were you going to use that wither to get back at us for beating you in the building competition?" He asks, making Axle snort.

"You're so conceded! Like we would threaten the entire world because we lost a dumb competition." He growls, crossing his arms.

Before the group can continue to arge, the sound of a door open makes them all go silent.

Jesse takes something from the chest below the build before closing the secret door.

"Scatter!" I whisper, running behind one of the bookshelves.

I look in time to see that Jesse made it in between a shelf and a chest.

Reuben was with Axle somewhere, and Olivia wasn't far from me, hiding behind another bookcase.

Ivor walks into the room.

"Surprised to see me!? No.... That's not it." He mutters, like he's practicing a speech.

He walks past all of us, going into the dead end room.

He goes to open the chest Lukas dove into, only to be saved by Olivia accidentally knocking over a potion.

We all turn to see her eyes widen as she ducks behind the shelf.

"Who's there!" Ivor shouts, walking towards me.

I hold my breath, hoping he doesn't spot me.

"Hey! Ivor!" Jesse shouts, running at him in time to stop him from spotting me.

She looks slightly afraid of what the sketchy guy will do now he knows she's here, but I'll need to remind myself to thank her.

"You! What are you doing here?" Ivor asks, sounding almost... Afraid?

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