Thirty seven

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Taeyeon woke up earlies than usual and decided to do breakfast for Tiffany as a form of apology, after watching the video that Seohyun send her she couldn't sleep and felt guilty. She realize that she was childish as well and it wasn't even Tiffany's fault, it was her that decided to spend her free time home and also forgot one of many important dates to Tiffany.
Taeyeon walk out of her room and when to the kitchen and was surprise went she found Tiffany on the kitchen drinking coffee and with lots of pages spread in the table, Tiffany just look up and didn't say anything.
Taeyeon serve herself some coffee and just silently look at Tiffany, the blonde girl was dying to talk to Tiffany, but she didn't know how to apologize she didn't know how to say that she was at fault of the way she acted the previous night, she wanted to take back the words she had said to Tiffany.
Taeyeon was lost in her thoughts, but Tiffany voice brought her back to reality went she heard Tiffany spoke in the phone.
"Hello morning this is Tiffany Hwang, I made a reservation for tomorrow in the morning for two people at 9 I was wondering if I can possible cancel the reservation we won't be able to make it"
Tiffany waited for a reply and Taeyeon panic once she heard the word cancelation she got close to Tiffany and took her phone away
"never mind miss Hwang will keep the reservation, thank you" Taeyeon hang up the call and look at Tiffany
"what are you doing" Taeyeon ask
"I am canceling our hair salon appalment for tomorrow" Tiffany said
"why are you canceling"
"I don't know you tell me"
"Fany I am sorry I shouldn't have said those words to you it was just the heat of the moment and I let myself carried away I didn't meant none of those words that I said to you last night"
"Taeyeon" Tiffany said in a soft voice
Taeyeon didn't want to hear the words that Tiffany was about to say, she got scare but she prepare herself for it, she tried to look away but Tiffany stop her and made her face her.
"look at me Tae, what happen last night I know it was just a think of the moment but last night went I was thinking all of this. I ask myself what is going to happen to us when we are not going to be together for a year and maybe even more"
"why did you ask yourself that"
"because we are going to be apart for a long time, I mean don't you think this is to fast?"
"love doesn't know time Fany"
"Tae you are right let's not get marry"
Taeyeon eyes widen at Tiffany's words she was not expected that Tiffany would agree to her stupid comment in less than twelve hours.
"you are kidding right" Taeyeon said
"I am not kidding Taeyeon, you were right I am just a kid I am catered 24/7 I am use to this life and suddenly went you call me childish yesterday I realize that you were right to call me that I don't know how to cook I am a spoil brat that only knows how to say I need this and is handed to me right away, I don't think I can be a good wife you Taeyeon"
"just stop Fany, what happen last night it was just a small argument I love you and you love me right every couple goes thru this we are not the exception"
"maybe we are" Taeyeon put a finger on Tiffany lips
"let me speak Fany"
"I love you, I waited so long to call you mine and I am not going to wait another six years to see you and tell you I love you. You are my perfect imperfection Fany you make my days look brighter by just being in my mind" Tiffany gave Taeyeon a small smile
"so please forgive me I was out of line I shouldn't have said those words to you, I forgot that it was your grandma's birthday heck I call you but you didn't even answer me and I am ok with that since it was me that let you leave the house without me"
"Taeyeon" Tiffany started to cry and didn't know what to say so she just hug Taeyeon
"I am sorry Fany, don't ever think I don't want to marry you If it was up to me we would be marry already, but I want you to enjoy your freedom in college and in a year you and I are going to walk the aisle and say I do" Taeyeon put some space between and kiss Tiffany.
"now what do you say if we go and visit your grandma again so I can properly introduce myself"
Tiffany gave Taeyeon that sweet eye smile that she had and nodded
"ok let's get ready and head out"
Both girls got up and enter their room and got ready, after an hour they were finally ready and left the house, this time together. Taeyeon was still worry that her words were still hurting Tiffany since Tiffany was to quiet.
Their way to the cemetery was the quietest ride Taeyeon has ever had, the driver park the car and let both girls out. Tiffany walk silently to her grandma's grave and Taeyeon follow behind her.
Tiffany stop and look at Taeyeon and have a smile
"hi grandma I am back again, I told you I was going to return soon"
Taeyeon didn't know what to say so she just waited for Tiffany, Tiffany got close to Taeyeon and interlock their hands
"grandma you remember Taeyeon, well she is my fiancé now and I wanted to introduce her to you now"
"Hi grandma, I am really bad with words but I promise you that I will always care for Tiffany and that ill try my best to be a good husband/wife for her. I know that we will have our ups and down but I promise to make more ups then down days"
"you know if she was here she would tell definitely give you the grandma talk" Tiffany said
"I know she definitely will, you were her precious princess her life and I am know that she is proud of you"
They both sat on the grass and talk more about their relationship
"Tae I love you" Tiffany said out of the blue
"I love you too princess"
"do you think we can do this being apart in different continents"
"we can do anything we want Fany as long as we love each other we can overcome anything I waited too long for this moment to let you get away now, you are now attached here" Taeyeon took Tiffany hand and place it on her chest
"you are my everything now Fany"
"you are my everything now too Tae"
"come lets go and have fun just you and I we have a full day ahead of us tomorrow.
"we do don't we"
They both left the cemetery more relax and more happy they spend their entire day together hanging out. Tiffany took Taeyeon sightseeing the city of light, the city that never sleep, they took pictures just like any happy couple.
They were walking hand in hand went Tiffany pull Taeyeon to a pet store
"omg look Taetae" Tiffany squeal went she saw a white fluffy maltase
"can we get it"
"what you want a dog are you crazy, you are not going to have time to take care of it"
"come on look how cute he looks"
Tiffany approach one of the workers and ask if she could pet the puppy
"yes sure" the employee grab the puppy and gave it to Tiffany
"please can we get him"
Taeyeon look at Tiffany and then at dog
"no" she said
"fine" Tiffany walk away with the puppy in her hands and started to grab puppy food, clothes, shampoo among other things that a puppy would need. Taeyeon approach the happy Tiffany knew that she had already lost, Tiffany was going to get that puppy on her hands.
"Fany a dog is a big responsibility"
"I know Tae"
Tiffany kept walking and then saw another small black dog and grab him as well
"Tae this is yours"
"what I told you a dog is a responsibility Fany I am not taking a dog with me back to Korea"
Tiffany has always been a person that she gets what she wants so she use her puppy face and Aegyo with Taeyeon
"Fany please don't do that face" Taeyeon said in a whining tone
"please Taetae, pretty please"
Tiffany started to choice tears
"Tiff that is not going to work on me, nope"
Tiffany then gave the small black dog to Taeyeon and went Taeyeon look at the little guy she just fell for him
"you are kind of cute"
Tiffany smile, after all she got what she wanted
"yay lets go I want to show it to the girls they are joining us for dinner"
Taeyeon just sight and went ahead to pay for the two small puppies and Tiffany bought all the things that they would need. They left the pet shop and enter their car
"you always get what you want don't you" Taeyeon said
"not always but I really wanted this puppy just look at him" Tiffany show the dog to Taeyeon and the small puppy started licking Taeyeon face
"ok, ok you win they are both cute. What should we name them?"
"I am naming mines prince fluffy"
Taeyeon bursting out laughing at the name that Tiffany had chosen for her dog
"like you can do better" Tiffany mumble
"I think I can I am naming mines ginger"
"that's a girl and that puppy is a boy"
"ginger fits him right"
The dog started barking as if he was approving of the name
"see he likes it" Taeyeon said *merong*
"you are such a kid" Tiffany said
"so are you my love'' Taeyeon said
Once they arrive home they settle the dogs and all their things, they told the chef to prepare for dinner since all the girls will be joining them today.
Taeyeon and Tiffany they both change into a more comfortable clothes to be in the house and went to play at the patio with their kids
"I love you and because of that I am willing to move here if that makes you happy after we get marry"
"Tae you said it yourself we still have a year to decide that so don't worry" Tiffany said giving her a kiss on the cheeks
"yeah we still have year"
They spend their afternoon playing with the puppies and even took a nap outside, the climate was perfect and they both lay in the grass and just fell sleep, night time came and all the girls arrive to have dinner with the girls. Taeyeon presented their kids as Tiffany calls them.
"omg they are so cute I want one" Seohyun said looking at Yoona
"I want one" Jessica said to Yuri
"can I keep him" Sunny voice was heard looking at Sooyoung
"can we get one went we get home" Nicole said giving Hyoyeon a puppy look
"anything you want honey" was all Hyoyeon could said
The other girls wanted to murder Taeyeon now they are going to have to get dogs probably
Taeyeon look at all of them and said
"you what they say Happy wife Happy life and whatever my princess wants she get" giving Tiffany a peck on her lips.
They continue teasing each other as always went they were all together
"you guys ready for tomorrow" Sunny ask
"we are more than ready" both girls answer.

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