Thirty four

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After a long week of small celebrations and going places to tell the news about their engagement to their friends and Families the girls finally had sometime for themselves, they were returning from visiting Taeyeon parents, since Tiffany was going to leave in a few days, Taeyeon took Tiffany to say bye and to tell the news. They were arriving at Tiffany apartment after Tiffany convince Taeyeon all the way from Jeonju to stay at her place.
"did you have fun at my parents' house?" Taeyeon ask, making herself comfortable on the couch
"yes I did, they look so excited, it was like they have been waiting for this moment their whole life"
"they have, specially my mom"
"yeah I know, so what know, we are done going around telling people about or engagement" Tiffany said  joining Taeyeon on the couch with some drinks and snacks
"well now you have an engagement party to prepare" Taeyeon said reaching for the remote to turn the TV on
"ugh, can we just go to las Vegas and get marry, we can take Yuri and Jessica with us and make them our witnesses"
"that sounds tempting but your mom and my mom will kill me, plus if we elope the girls will kill us both  if I agree to do that with you"
"no they won't you can say it was my idea and you are save"
"Is not that simple, Tiff you have to graduate first then we can talk weeding things for now just worry about the engagement, and also I want you to have a ceremony, I want to see you in white"
Taeyeon look at around and notice that Seohyun and Yoona had not come and greet them.
"they are not here" Tiffany said answering Taeyeon unasked question
"were are they?"
Tiffany look at her watch and made some mental math
"they are probably landing at the JFK airport at this moment"
Taeyeon look at Tiffany with a surprise expression
"they left and didn't even say goodbye"
"they had to leave they are helping me with this whole engagement party"
"they are?" ask Taeyeon
"yeah, they are so excited that I am the one getting marry and not them, since it seem the Yoona parents are also asking the same question went is she going to get engage to Seohyun, so they are taking this as an opportunity as a 'distraction'"
"I don't blame them they are still young but I don't think the engagement party is going to work as a distraction for them, since Yoona mom can be very persuasive and might actually just make Yoona ask Seohyun next  and beside is not like we are going to get marry this year we still have what a year left"
"yeah a year, but you know I can make It less, I can take extra classes"
"Tiff I don't want you to tired yourself I know you are a smart girl and all but take you time is your last year as a university student, and I want you to enjoy it"
"but that means I have to be a year in the states and I won't see you often" Tiffany pouted
"I can always visit, Tiff"
"that's what you said last time and instead you disappear out of my life for six years" Tiffany mumble looking at her lap
"hey look at me" Taeyeon said "I am here, you are my fiancée now I am not just going to disappear like I did before"
"then why did you just disappear like that then, I mean you went to my graduation which you didn't told me until a few weeks ago and our communication was fine until...."
Tiffany stop to think, as to when Taeyeon stop talking to her
"until went?" ask Taeyeon
"went that girl posted a picture of me and her and call me babe, after that it was like you were off the grid"
"I was jealous" Taeyeon admitted looking at Tiffany
"Jealous???" ask Tiffany looking at Taeyeon
Taeyeon just sigh and spoke again
"I mean you knew I was gay and I didn't know if you like girls and then that girl posting that picture I just thought that you were together with her, I thought that it was for the best if I just... you know disappear and that way I didn't have to read a message were you tell me that you like that girl, but I was not that  girl that you like, so I just naturally stop writing and answering your calls, I thought it was for the best, for my heart"
"and did that work for you Taeyeon, instead of asking me if I was with her"
"no, it didn't my feelings.... they just came back to mock me went I saw you again at dinner party and my jealousy came back again after I saw you with your supposedly 'date'"
"where is Mitchell anyways" Taeyeon ask she hasn't heard from her after helping her in some designs with Tiffany
"she went back to Paris, now back to our topic here" Tiffany said
"that's your problem Tae, you just 'assume things', so please stop doing that from now on, our else our engagement is not going to last long, I'll be in the states for a while and you here in Korea and rumors are going to come flying to you and if you let your 'assumptions' take control we are not going to last" Tiffany said
"can we stop talking about this, now you are my fiancée and I apologize Tiff I know I should have just ask you and see if that girl and you were together but I didn't, I just stop talking and I am sorry"
"yes you should be sorry, because she was just my friend and moreover she had a boyfriend at the time"
"but have you ever dated before, I mean a girl"
"of course I did Tae but it was just to really make sure if I like girls, it was nothing serious it was a thing of the moment, my mom hated the girl, she said she was a bad influence on me"
"then I have be glad that your mom hated her, or else we wouldn't be here" Taeyeon said getting close to Tiffany to kiss her
"actually my mom has always like you, so you really had nothing to worry about" tiffany said as she let Taeyeon laid her on the couch
"Funny since I always hinted at her that I did not like her" Taeyeon said as she was unbuttoning Tiffany shirt
"that's exactly why she likes you because you were honest and *Mhm* she has always like honest people"
"yeah, yeah, now more kissing and less Talking" said Taeyeon as she left butterfly kisses on Tiffany neck
"you are insatiable" Tiffany said
"I told you, there were so many things I could think to do after our first night" Taeyeon said as she lift Tiffany up and Tiffany wrap her legs around Taeyeon waist, Taeyeon started to walk blindly to Tiffany room were their little discussion ended with them making love.
The girls were visiting Tiffany or more like helping her pack, she had and early flight to catch to New York the following day.
"can you believe that a month ago you were just trying to see who would confess first and now you are leaving to the states to prepare an engagement party" Jessica said
"I know right is just too hard to believe but I am doing just that" Tiffany said as she folded some clothes
"so, have you guys talk about you know where are you going to leave are you moving to Korea or are you staying in the states and she is moving" Sunny ask
"honestly I don't know, we haven't talk about that yet and we still have a year to decide on that so I haven't bothering on asking her"
"a year goes by really fast Tiff, you know that Taeyeon likes Korea and I know how much you love New York so you should really start talking about that"
"yeah we will"  said Taeyeon entering Tiffany room with a suitcase
"don't worry we will make this work, for now I just want her to focused on her studies" Taeyeon said, giving a kiss to Tiffany on her cheeks and leaving the room to join the rest of the girls
"so what are you going to do for now Tae, I mean you are still off work because Tiffany hasn't started school" Yuri said
"I will write music and then I will go to New York, Tiffany birthday is coming up and I want to celebrate it with her"
"that's cool do you have anything plan yet" Hyoyeon ask
"not really I was thinking of a romantic dinner in the city, or maybe on a yacht I can always ask Stella to let me borrow hers, or maybe just a day of spending together her and I"
"I like the yacht part" Nicole said
"does anyone knows where Sooyoung is" ask Taeyeon
"she on her way she had a meeting, so she is running a little late" Yuri said
"great we don't want to starve and I am starting to get hungry" Taeyeon said
"how come we always have to wait for Sooyoung  to come and cook for us lately" Nicole ask
All the girls look at her like she was asking why cats and dogs don't get along (I don't know why either XD)
Sunny walk in time to hear the question and decided to give and answer
"Nicole, we all know how to cook, but went it comes to gathering like this we let Sooyoung cook because she is the best and also because lately she can't cook at her family restaurant so we just let her"
And just like on cue Sooyoung walk in with a bunch of groceries bags, Taeyeon and Yuri help her by taking the stuff to the kitchen and Sooyoung went to greet Sunny.
"and I'll be offended if I was not use to at least cook Nicole, I love cooking but now I am not able to do that, because my dad has me going around meetings and I cannot longer cook, that's why the girls wait for me to come and cook for them" Sooyoung said, leaving the living room and into the kitchen
"so went is the engagement party" Sunny ask Tiffany
"ah yeah the girls send the invitations already" Tiffany started to had in the invitation
"so August 8 cool, right after your birthday, why no later" Jessica ask
"I start classes on the 17 of August so I can't do later than that"
"makes sense, so how does it feel to be engage and to prepare for all this" Nicole ask
"I honestly never imagine that I will be doing this at this age, but I am happy in a year I'll be marry to the only person I have ever love and I am happy about that" Tiffany answer
"what time is your flight?"
"early morning just to I can arrive in the morning at New York"
"is your mom back in the city yet" Sunny ask
"she should be since in my grandmother death anniversary and we have church to attend" Tiffany sadly said
"She would have been proud of you Tiff" Jessica softly said to the young girl
"Yeah she would have been proud of you girls too"
Their night continue with them telling high school stories and such.
The following morning Taeyeon drove Tiffany the airport against her will.
"why can't you just let the girls handle everything"
"Tae you know I can't do that, beside is my grandma death anniversary and I want to attend the church ceremony"
Taeyeon couldn't argue with that, so she got out of the car and help Tiffany with her luggage "call me went you land, you have to call me went is morning, lunch and dinner ok" Taeyeon said
"that's a lot of calls in one day and the time difference doesn't help Tae"
"that's why you have to use New York time"
"but you have to sleep"
"Fany-ah I am jobless until august 17 because Mr. Kwon won't let me go in the office or start early meaning I am going to be doing nothing here"
"you can come with me then"
"I can't I have to get used to the idea that you are not going to be around until next year"
"I told you I can always take extra classes"
"that's not going to happen Tiffany Hwang"
"ugh, fine"
"good, now go or you are going to miss the flight" Taeyeon kiss Tiffany goodbye as the intercom did the last calling for the flight to JFK New York airport.
"I love you Tiffany"
"I love you too Tae, see you at our engagement party"
They kiss one last time and went separate ways.

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