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No one pov

Taeyeon started laughing at Yuri like a mad person

"You, should have seen you face, gosh it was priceless" Taeyeon say to her friend

She clean a few tear that fell from all the laughing.

"You actually though I was going to kill you hahahahahaha, I should kill you but I won't because you my friend just made my day"

Yuri was so confused she though that Taeyeon had gone mad, after all the girl was just about to kill her and them she just started to laugh and telling her that she just made her day, was she on drugs or something

"Ta.aa.yeon are you ok" Yuri stutter

"If I am ok, I am more than ok, you finally did something right for me, it took you long but you did" she said and grab Yuri cheeks and started to kiss her of course not in the lips

Taeyeon started to jump again and Yuri just decided to join her at least she was still alive right?

"Thank you, thank you, thank you" she said

"why hehe are you tha..ank me for Tae?" Yuri ask

"Because the day just got beautiful for me, you did something that I'll be forever grateful for"

To Yuri, this girl was not making any sense at all

"Because of you now I get to spend my time with Tiffany, I get to be with her all day, because your father has put her in my care, how can I be not thankful you just made my days brighter" Taeyeon said to her friend, with a smile that show her dimple

"Ok, what happen, why you are so happy, you told me not to meddle and now you are thanking me because I did" Yuri ask she was so confused

"Yes I am you see, the day of the dinner I realize that I should man up and confess to Tiffany I mean I like her, heck I love her, and seen her with that Mitchell girl it made me realize that if I don't do something soon I am going to lose Tiffany and you my friend just gave me an entire summer so I can master up the courage to confess" Taeyeon said to her friend.

"I mean she makes my heart skip every beat that is supposed to make, she makes my palms sweaty, she makes my world a better place and I'll be a fool not to take the opportunity that you indirectly gave me, by telling her mom that I should be the one helping Tiffany adjust here, plus her mom did said that if I like Tiffany one day I could date her, but I had to wait for her to be of age and this year she is the age that her mom said it was ok to date her daughter. But just like her mom said age is just a number and I am confident that I can make Tiff like me ~that won't be too hard~ Yuri though, now I get to spend all my free time with her because your dad just freed me from work the whole summer" Taeyeon was speaking so fast that all Yuri could do was smile for her friend. She hasn't seen Taeyeon smile like that in a really long time.

"Heck I didn't even care that your father gave the debuting project to Lee, as long as I get to spend time with my princess" Taeyeon kept on saying she even made a dorky dance and Yuri was surprise Lee and Taeyeon were frenemies Lee was always trying to beat Taeyeon but it never work and now Taeyeon didn't even care that he was getting the debut project now this was a different Taeyeon.

~Miss Hwang plan might work after all, but still how sure was Miss Hwang that Tiff like Taeyeon. Well there a whole summer ahead to find out right ~ Yuri though. "Anyways I have to go don't want to keep my pink princess waiting" Taeyeon said and walk out of Yuri office


"This is were actors come and hang out, sometimes just to practice our lines or just relax"

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