Twenty six

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If you already read this there is no need to read this again. i was just changing something.
No, I am not doing pay back to Tiffany, I am sure that's what you reader though right, I am actually planning on confessing to Tiffany and I think that this Saturday is the perfect Yuri invited me to go to the amusement park, and I remember that Fany ask me if I was her girlfriend went she was twelve back then I couldn't give her and answer and now I am ready to give her the answer she wants. That's why I need a few days to prepare for it.
I got home and texted Fany that I have arrive, she reply with only an Ok. I just chuckle and got ready for bed
I got home and I was greeted by silence and a note
Unnie we decided to leave today to my aunt house, we will see you on Saturday at the park, there's food on the fridge please don't eat take out only
Yoona and Seohyun
I great now what am I supposed to do, *Sigh* I went to my room turn the TV on and got ready for bed.
From: Taetae<3
Fany-ah I am home already
I was to annoyed, I was not going to see her, I think she is doing pay back for baling on her last week
To: Taetae<3
I was used to being alone, there was never really someone around to talk to except for Yoona and Seohyun, all the other people around me were just acquaintances, they were people with whom I am going to work after I graduate, people that think that by pretending being my friends it would mean an easy pass to the work industry, that's what I was to them an easy pass.
The girls became my only friends, I known them all my life and they didn't need that "Easy pass" into the business world, they already came from families with power and wealth in difference areas, dancing, music, hotels, cars, fashion, name it they came from it and they have always being there for me. Sure the distance make communication hard but nevertheless they were there and now I am pretty sure that Taeyeon has been there for me, secretly watching over me. With these thoughts in mind I went to sleep
*ring* *ring*
Ugh who can it possible be at this hour, the clock show 8:16am
I lazily got up from my bed and went to the phone
"Hello" I answer still on my sleepy voice
"Miss Hwang sorry to call you, but there a young lady here asking to see you" the security guard from the front desk said
"What is her name?"
"She says her name is Sooyoung"
"Ok, I'll open the elevator, tell her to come in"
"Right away Miss Hwang" the security guard said and hang up
I went to open the elevator, this apartment was very technological I could open the elevator from any room of the house, except that the phone was in the living room, the technicians haven't come and install the rest of the phones in the rooms, I took a mental note to let the person in charge of the building know that they haven't come. I heard the familiar ding of the elevator
"Tiff, where are you" I heard Sooyoung
"Kitchen" I yell
"There you are Morning"
"Morning Soo, what are you doing here so early is not even 9" I said
"Seohyun texted me saying something about you being alone and not cooking properly, she ask me if I could come and check on you" Sooyoung said
"She did that, sometimes I wonder if she is really my age" I said
"What are you doing?"
"Coffee" I answer
"Good, so what are you and Tae doing today?"
"Nothing, she told me that she can't see me today or tomorrow that she is busy and stuff"
"haha, good one seriously what are you guys doing"
"I told you nothing"
"Really, nothing" she ask again
"Yep, so I think I am going to be couch potato all day"
"Noses why don't you come with me to the restaurant, I have some things to do there and then you and I can go and bother Sunny at her office"
"Don't you think she might kill us if we go and bother her and I don't want to keep you away from work either"
"Nah, you are actually doing me a favor, I don't want to go to the office today so I'll just stop at the restaurant and make sure the Menu for today is correct after that I'll be free" Sooyoung got up from the chair she was sitting and push me out of the kitchen
"Now go and get ready I'll get breakfast ready"
I did as she told me and got ready, it was better than being home all day after about 30 minutes I went out of my room and was greeted by the sweet smell of pancakes
"Pancakes" I squeal
"Yes, Seohyun said these is your favorite breakfast"
Yep definitely Seohyun was the mother of Yoona and I
"Sit, let's eat" we started to eat after we finish breakfast I clean the kitchen and put the dishes were they belong
"We can leave now" I told Sooyoung
"Finally" Sooyoung exclaimed
"Sorry I been leaving too long with Seohyun she is a very strict that I guess now I just do things automatically now" Yes I do leave with Seohyun the three of us were actually roommates back at the states is just that we had different schedule so we barely get to see each other and right before coming here to Korea the girls were with their parents.
"I see, let's go then"
I grab my purse, we got into the elevator I lock it and push the button for the lobby.
"Have a good day Miss Hwang" the security guy said
"You to Mr. Lee"
"Miss Kim wake up" I heard ajumma voice
"I am awake already ajumma" I open the door, ready to leave the apartment
"Oh, you are going out Miss"
"Ajumma just call me Taeyeon or if you are uncomfortable call me Miss Taeyeon" I said
"Ok, Miss Taeyeon"
"Yes I'll be out all day, you can leave after you clean" I said, I grab my purse and headed to door.
Unlike Tiffany there were two apartment in this floor, mines and some other girl which I have seen a few times. I close the door and saw that the girl that leaves next door too was closing her door.
"Hey, neighbor" the girl said
"Hey" I said
We walk towards the elevator, we got in
"You, know we have been neighbor for a while and we don't know each other names" the girl spoke
"So I'll start I am Lee Ji-eun and you are"
"Kim Taeyeon" I said
"Nice to meet you, Taeyeon"
"Nice to meet you Too" I said
The elevator got to the lobby and I walk out of my building with Jieun
"Have a good day then" I walk towards my car that was brought by one of the valet guys of this building. I saw that Jieun talk to the guy and the guy started to make a call, I assume it was for a cab, that's what usually do too, I drove my car and lower my window.
"Hey do you a need a ride"
"No, is ok I don't want to bother you I am actually going to the mall" Jieun said
"Great me too, come on hop in" I open the door
"Are you sure" Jieun ask
"Yes now get it" she turn around and told the guy to cancel the cab
"Thanks for the ride, my car broke yesterday so I am stuck using a cab for a few days"
"That's ok, I don't mind" I said
"So are you a student" I ask
"Yes, I go to Seoul University"
"Really I went there too, I am your senior then"
"Really what did you major in?" Jieun ask
"I have a degree in producing and one and business" I answer
"Really that's cool"
"I guess"
The rest of the drive it was fun, I told Jieun about why I was going to the mall and got too know each other, we got to the mall and in the end both of us ended up hanging out together
No one pov
"Guys can you please just go play somewhere else" Sunny said to Sooyoung and Tiffany
They have been on Sunny office since the morning, both have been annoying her to the point that Sunny was starting to lose patient
"But I want to be here, there is no one home and Sooyoung said that we can be here" Tiffany pouted and gave Sunny a puppy look
"Please Miyoung don't do that face, no, please don't" Sunny said
If there was one thing Sunny was weak to it was to Tiffany puppy face
"Ok, fine you guys can stay here, but please don't bother me" Sunny glared at Sooyoung and gave her that I will kill you look
After being quiet for a few minutes Tiffany started to get bored at again
"Sunny are you almost done, come out let's go play" Tiffany pouted
"Tiff unlike you I have work to get done, I can't just leave the office to have fun"
"But you are the daughter of the owner of this hotels chains all over Asian, you work all the time I am pretty sure you can miss one day, come on"
"No is no Tiff" Sunny said
"Hmp fine, then"
It was hard saying no to Tiffany, the girls always said yes to her and right now Sunny was really contemplating saying screw this and let's go. But being the responsible person she is she kept her composure and continue her work.
"Wait you eat right, so I'll make you a deal lets go and eat lunch at the mall" Tiffany started to say
"The mall is too far away from here" Sunny stop her
"Hear me out first, is still early for lunch so how about we will help you so you can leave early" Tiffany said pointing to Sooyoung and her
"What I never agree to this" Sooyoung protested
"Do you want to be here all day" Sunny said raising her eyebrows to Sooyoung
"Nope, let's help her" Sooyoung did not want to admit it but she would do anything for Sunny
The rest of the hours before lunch the girls help Sunny with her office work, Tiffany being the genius that she is catch up real quick to Sunny.
Yes Tiffany was a kid at heart she whined went she wouldn't get something, but went it came to learning something she learn it really quick, but even in all of that façade of whining and being stubborn she had a soft heart for her friends. After all this were her real friends
"Ok, we are done" Sunny said
"Yes let's go" Tiffany pull both Sooyoung and Sunny out the office, Sooyoung was the one driving
After they arrive to the mall they went straight to the food court
"So what are you guys going to order" Sooyoung said
"Mmm, I'll eat Chinese today" Tiffany said and went to that area where the Chinese food area was
She got in line to order and then she heard a really familiar laugh
~ugh I must be hearing things~ Fanny though
"Yah, that is not true" Fany heard that voice again, she turn around and not too far from her, was Taeyeon with a girl having lunch. ~I must be seeing things~ Fany though, she was too preoccupied in her thought that she didn't notice that she was already in front of the cashier to place her order.
"Excuse me miss are you going to order, because if you are not you are holding up the line" the cashier said
"Yeah, sorry I'll have the beef with broccoli and fried rice please" she place her order and went back to look at Taeyeon.
~why is she laughing, is this why she didn't see me today, is this why she would not see me tomorrow~ Tiffany was saying inside her head
"Miss here is your order"
"Thank you" Tiff took her order and went to look for Sunny and Sooyoung, she found them and sit down
"Are you ok Tiff" Sunny ask
"Uh yeah I am ok. I just though I saw someone familiar a few minutes ago" she answer
"Oh, ok eat. then we can go shopping after this" Sooyoung said
They ate quietly, Tiffany wouldn't stop looking at Taeyeon table, the girl that was with Taeyeon got really close to Taeyeon and Tiffany almost choked in her food
"Are you ok" Sunny said handing her a drink and softly hitting her in her back
"Yeah, food the wrong way I guess" Tiffany answer
After a few minutes she saw Taeyeon and that girl got up and throw away the food that they didn't finish and walk away, ~I am late~ sigh
"Do you guys think I am doing the right thing by confessing to Taeyeon" Tiffany ask suddenly
"If that's what you want I think is right but if you don't feel like doing right now then don't" Sunny said
"I mean I want to do it, there no doubt in my mind about it" Tiffany said
"Then do it" Sooyoung said
After lunch the girls went shopping and ended their day having dinner and then dropping Tiffany off at her apartment.
Tiffany spend her nigh debating whether it was the right time to confess. In the end, she went with her first choice, she was going to confess and nothing was going to change her mind.
As for Taeyeon she had fun with her new friend, Jieun even help her choose something to give to Tiffany for went she confess, after all Jieun already had a boyfriend, therefore there was nothing to worry about.
The days that follow both Taeyeon and Tiffany did not see each other, Taeyeon wanted to do a good confession to Tiffany and Tiffany was busy getting ready too. She was going back and for from Jessica office to meeting Hyoyeon to see what "show" she was supposed to do.
To: my princess Fany👸
You are still going tomorrow to the park with me right?
Taeyeon had to make sure that Tiffany was there.
To: Taetae<3
Yes I am going, are you picking me up?
To: my princess Fany👸
Yes, I'll pick you up at 9 so we can meet Yuri and Jessica at the entrance is that ok?
To: Taetae<3
Yes that's ok, see you tomorrow
To: my princess Fany👸
Good night see you tomorrow
Both girls went to bed with a final though tomorrow is the day.

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