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No one pov

The weeks that follow the girls were in and out of Tiffany house, in the end they decided to stay at her house so she won't be lonely. While Yoona and Seohyun made sure to visit her every day. To Tiffany this was indeed the best summer ever, she wasn't lonely, she had someone to talk too, and the journal she would write about her days were replace by talking to Taeyeon. She never once left Tiffany on her own unless she had to, went she went out with the girls which was rarely.

Tiffany mom return to the States a week before school started and invited the girls to her beach house for a getaway and also for a way for her to spend time with her daughter. Since she knew that once Tiffany started school she would have to travel again and leave her daughter. She didn't like leaving her daughter alone for longer periods of time that's why she decided to put her in the boarding school. She wanted her daughter to make friends, Tiffany was a lonely kid growing up and now her daughter had friends. Yes she was aware that these kids were older than her daughter but she didn't mind, all she cared about was that her daughter was smiling especially after her grandma had died.

"Hey Taeyeon, can I talk to you in private for a minute" Stella said

"Sure Stella" she decided to call her by her name in the end

"Why don't we go for a walk by the beach?" she ask

"Sure let's go"

As they walk away from the girls, Taeyeon notice that Stella was lost in thought

"So what do you want to talk about Stella" she ask

"My daughter actually, I wanted to thank you for making her smile. She hasn't smile like that since my mom died"

"I can't really take credit for her smile Stella, I can also say that the rest of the girls make her smile too"

"I know that but, went she smiles at you is different is unique I dare myself to say. The way you care for her, I feel comfortable living her at the school knowing that you are there for her" she said

"Stella you know that I am living after this year right" Taeyeon said

"Yes I am well aware of that I know that you girls are seniors this year and honestly I am afraid that my daughter may be lonely again. That's why I wanted to ask you if you would consider studying here. With a full scholarship of course I'll pay for whatever school you want to go"

Taeyeon was shock hearing this, she never expected that Tiffany mom would offer her such thing.

"I am sorry Stella, but this is not something I can't just yes to right away. I have to talk to my parents and I have already been accepted at Seoul University" she said

"I understand that, but I just thought you know since you watch after Tiffany you can consider staying for her"

Taeyeon mind started to wonder why was she asking this out of nowhere, I mean she always hinted at the women that she didn't like her very much. Her questions was answer right away

"You may wondering why I am asking this right."

"Yes I am actually"

"I know that I am not your most favorite person in this world Taeyeon, but let me assure you I love my daughter and her happiness is my top priority. So I just thought that since you care for Tiffany like you say you do, you would stay here until she at least graduates high school." She said

To Taeyeon this did not sounded well, it was like she was telling her that she did not care for Tiffany.

"Stella I don't want you to misunderstand my friendship with your daughter, I am not her friend because of the power she may have someday I am her friend because I care for her I truly do care for her and I don't have to stay here just to prove that. Tiffany is just a kid I would never do anything that may harm her and she has Seohyun and Yoona to keep her company"

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