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This drive took forever, Mitchell wouldn't stop being all attentive towards me and Taeyeon wouldn't stop contradicting Mitchell in everything, even at the rest stop they fought over who would pay for my coffee, it got to the point that some random guy pay for it because they were holding up the line. Then in the car I wanted to listen to music and they both starting to nag about wanted to share headphones with me that I just gave up. I couldn't even sleep because they were moving my head from shoulder to shoulder, I was more exhausted than ever, even working in school project all day I didn't feel exhausted but this trip was ugh.

"We are here" Yuri said

I didn't even wait for Mitchell to move so I could get off, I just went pass her and got off the car ~Finally~ I though

I was greeted by some guy as soon as I got off, I almost hit him with the door

"Omo, I am sorry" I said

"Is ok Miss, you didn't hit me" the guy said

The girls got out and greeted the ajusshi, Sooyoung stoop next to me and said something in my ear

"Had a fun ride Tiff" she said

"Shut up" I said and walk back to the car to grab my things

I just sigh went I saw Taeyeon and Mitchell bickering

"I'll take it, she is my guess" Taeyeon said

"No, I'll take it I am her friend" Mitchell said

"I don't care" Taeyeon said and pull the bag

"I don't care either" Mitchell said and pull the bag

"Let go of the bag" Taeyeon said between gritted teeth

"I will not do that midget" Mitchell said

"That's it" Taeyeon said and they both started to pull back and forth the bag

I was too tired to do anything and the girls were enjoying the little fight Yoona, Hyo and even Sooyoung were recording

One of them pull too hard of the bag and ruin it

"My bag" I said

"See what you did shorty" Mitchell said

"No you did, all you had to do was let go of the bag" Taeyeon said

"I am sorry Tiff, I'll get you another one" Taeyeon said

"ugh, I don't want another bag" I said and took the bag from Mitchell and glared at her

"Kim Taeyeon, are you being mean to our guess, young lady" I heard a voice say

"Umma" I said and ran toward her and engulf her in a strong hug

"Hello, darling. Look how big you have gotten" She said

"I miss you" I said

"What I don't get a hug, that is mean" I saw Taeyeon father pout

"Appa" I went and hug him too

"Was Taeyeon being mean Tiffany" he said

"No, I wasn't dad, is this how you guys welcome me" Taeyeon said

"Sorry, honey, you know we love you too is just that we haven't seen Tiffany in a really long time" Umma Kim said to Taeyeon and gave her a hug

She then saw Yoona and Seohyun and greeted them with a really strong hug and so did Appa Kim

"Now come, I think you guys must be tired and hungry" Umma Kim said

"Yes we are" both Yoona and Sooyoung said

[TAENYFic] My Little Pink Princess (completed)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora