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My birthday is tomorrow and all the girls are here for it including my two best friend Yoona and Seohyun I couldn't believe that they all made time to be here for me. This was the best present I could have receive from all of them.

The girls started to arrive throughout the week, Hyoyeon arrive first, then Jessica, Yuri and Sunny they were in California. After them Sooyoung came she was in Hawaii, I was so happy they all brought presents for me but they didn't want to give them to me until my birthday hmp. Yoona and Seohyun were coming tomorrow to celebrate with me as well. Yoona was in Paris with her parents and Seohyun went to London with hers, this year I didn't travel since my grandma felt ill so I decided to stay with her but God took her away so she wouldn't be in pain.

Today I was playing with the girls at the pool, since it was sunny outside. We were having a lot of fun Yuri and Jessica unnie were in the pool, Yuri unnie was teaching Jessica how to swim properly, Sooyoung unnie was by the grill making sure that the food would be good for our taste but honestly I didn't believe that. She wasn't call shinkshin for nothing after all, Sunny was with Hyoyeon and her friend Nicole they were in the beach chairs taking the sun, Taetae and I were also in the pool, I didn't know how to swim properly yet so I was scared to go further than the kids side of the pool.

"Come on Fany trust me I won't let go of you" Taetae has been trying to convince me to go to the other side which was deeper.

"No!" I pouted, she pinch my cheeks

"aigo Miyoungie don't pout, I promise I won't let go of you so please come on. Look how much fun are Yuri and Jessica having" she said while pointing at them

"That's because they are together and Yuri knows how to swim you in the other hand don't know how to swim yet" I said *merong* she scrunch her nose went I said that

"To think I took swimming lesson all summer so I could teach you" she mumble

"친 짜 (Chincha)"

"Yeah but since you don't trust me I'll prove to you that I know how to swim"

I still didn't believe her, because every time we would go to the school pool she would never swim and one time she almost drown too. So I think it's normal to be scare of her, but soon enough she prove me wrong and started swim in the other side of the pool, I still couldn't believe she knew how to swim and that she learn so she could teach me too. I was so happy that went I saw her get out of the pool I ran towards her with full speed forgetting the fact that she was in the deeper side.

All I heard was

"Tiffany wait don't....."

And everything turn black


I saw Tiffany running towards me at full speed and hug me. But because of the impact we both fell into the pool and went we fell, I felt how Tiffany let go of me. It was right at that moment I forgot how to swim I started to struggle and I felt myself being pull out of the water then I saw Yuri carrying Tiffany on her arms. I ran and took Tiffany from Yuri arms and put her in the floor, this was the moment where I was thanking my P.E professor for making us learn CPR in his class.( i don't know the procedure that's why i put it like that) I started the process of CPR on Tiffany "123" come on "12345" I was begging God to please make her wake up "Come on my little princess wake up" in my eyes it took forever for Tiffany to respond, she started to cough the water she had sallow I hug her and keep on repeating "sorry I am sorry, sorry I am sorry fany I should have hold on to you more tightly" I kept on saying.

"Taetae is ok, look I am fine please don't cry" she said I, I let go and look at her she was giving me her smile, I couldn't believe she could still smile in a situations like this.

"Gosh I am sorry Fany" I hug her again

"ugh Taetae... I ..need .. breath" I heard Fany said

"Yah you squishing her" Sunny yell at me, "hehe sorry again Fany"

"Can you please stop saying sorry to me, come on I am hungry after what just happen and I think the shinkshin over there has pretty much eating everything" she said

"Yah I am older than you mushroom" Sooyoung said to her, I laugh at the nickname we haven't call Fany like that in a long time. She got the nickname after she felt sleep once while chewing gum and got in her hair, she had to get a haircut similar to a mushroom and the nickname stuck for a while until Fany came running to me crying saying she didn't like to being call like that I scold the girls and told them to stop calling her that.

"Taetae" she said in a winning tone "she call me mushroom"

"Yah you big giant stop calling my Phany mushroom" I yell at Sooyoung

"Since went is she your Phany??" I heard sunny said behind me with her arms close

*ahem* I clear my throat

"I.. mea..n Fany" I stutter

Tiffany pull my hand and started walking toward the table, we sat down and started eating and talking about tomorrows little celebration for Tiffany's birthday and talking about anything that came to our minds. I love this moments with the girls specially after knowing that this was going to be our last year together like this, after this year we were all going to go separate ways.

"let's take a picture I say"



[TAENYFic] My Little Pink Princess (completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora