Thirty six

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The days that pass Taeyeon and Tiffany spend it together, with the girls, while Tiffany would prepare for the engagement party, Taeyeon spend her time with the girls.
There were only two more days until the engagement and Tiffany have ask Taeyeon to accompany her somewhere today
"morning Taetae" Tiffany softly touch Taeyeon shoulder
"Is to early even for you to be awake" Taeyeon mumble
"wake up Tae"
"I don't want to"
"I think we have been switch" Tiffany said
"no we haven't is just that look that sun is not even out yet and you are waking me up" Taeyeon said
"the sun has been out for a while now I just didn't have the heart to wake up yet. But is now 8 so please wake up"
"fine I'll get up did you made breakfast already"
"you know I don't cook but the chef has done breakfast already"
"You know I wonder how is it going to be went you and I live under one roof"
"what do you mean" Tiffany ask
"well, you can't cook Fany who is going to cook for us"
"well there will always be the staff around us to do that Tae why are you worry about this now?"
"Fany you really expect that your entire staff will move to Korea went we get marry"
Taeyeon knew she was touching a very delicate topic at the moment but she was dying to know what was Tiffany opinion on this, was she planning on moving to Korea or was she planning on staying in the states.
Tiffany furrow hey eyes browns in confusion as far as she was concern she didn't need to move anyone to Korea, since she was planning on living on the states with Taeyeon
"what do you mean you are not going to move to the states with me when we get marry"
Taeyeon sat up more properly on the bed
"well my entire life is in Korea Fany and I don't just want to pack up and move here"
"then what about me"
"well Yoona and Seohyun can always go visit you if they want and Stella well is not like she is ever around"
"what is that supposed to mean Tae"
"nothing I am just saying the truth Tiff I don't want move here, I would leave my entire life in Korea and I'll be honest with you I don't I don't like here. I don't want my kids to grow up here in this environment"
"I just turn 19 Tae and you already talking about raising kids and not liking this environment"
"Tiff we have to think about the future"
"yes I know that but you really don't want to live here"
Tiffany knew they were eventually have to talk about this but she didn't expect that Taeyeon would talk about it today, It was just not right today was supposed to be a good day. She already had a whole day plan and now she wasn't in the mood but there was only one thing that she was going to do.
Tiff took a depth breath to calm down she didn't want Taeyeon to call her a moody teenager again
"look I know we have to talk about this but can we drop the conversation for now I really want you to go somewhere with me"
"why do you want me to go"
"really Tae you don't remember the date"
"I am pretty sure that I will remember all important dates that concern you and right now I don't remember none so why don't we stay home all day"
"I got to go Tae, just do whatever it is that you do went you are home"
Tiffany go up the bed and grab her purse but just before she could leave Taeyeon stop her
"are you mad at me"
"I...I got to go"
Tiffany walk out of the room and clean the tears that were starting to fall
"how can you forget my grandmothers birthday" Tiffany said to no one and made her way out of the house
"Miss Hwang I thought that miss Taeyeon would go with you"
"she doesn't want go out as usual went she is in the states"
"I see maybe she forgot that is your grandmother's birthday today"
"yeah that she did, let's just go I want to go see her and tell her the news"
It was close to lunch time went Taeyeon finally decided to leave her room, but it wasn't because she wanted to it was because she was hungry if it was up to her she would have stay in bed all day, she enter the kitchen and greeted the chef
"hey Richard"
"Morning miss Kim" Richard said giving her a confused look and looking behind her
"why are you looking me all weird like that"
"I thought you were with miss Hwang"
"I didn't want to go"
"why Oh!"
"well she was really excited to take you to her grandmother's grave today"
"grandmother's grave?"
"Yeah is her grandmother's birthday today she was telling me this morning how much she wanted to take you there and tell her the big news about you guys"
"she was going to do that today"
"yes miss Kim is everything ok"
~what have I done~ Taeyeon though and ran back to her room to grab her phone, she dialed Tiff number but there was no answer so she just texted her instead
To: my princess Fany
Honey I am calling you please pick up I am sorry I didn't remember it was your grandmother birthday please pick up
As soon as the message was send she call Fany again and still there was no answer and it was not like she could go and meet her. Taeyeon didn't even know where the cemetery was or even knew her way around the city.
She soon dialed Stella number and went straight to voicemail, she call the Yoona and Seohyun but there was no answer from no one.
"what have I done" Taeyeon yell
Tiffany arrive at the cemetery and went to look for her grandma gravestone with while lilies on her hand her grandmas favorite, while her driver just waited for her.
"hey grandma" Tiffany  said and putting the flower neatly in the tomb
"I miss you. You know there no one here anymore to teach me prayers or scold me because I didn't attend Sunday mass" Tiffany gave a sad smile and clean her tears
"you remember Taeyeon" the wind softly blew and Tiffany took that as a yes
"well I know you were all religious and always follow God's law. But I know that you will always put my happiness before anything, well look" Tiffany took her hand out of her pocket and show the ring and show a proud smile
"I like girls grandma or more like I fell in love with a girl and yes that girl is Taeyeon, how much would I love for you to be here and giving Taeyeon a lecture about how must she be a good husband and all that"
Tiffany decided to take seat on the grass and continued to talk to her grandma
"you know she was going to come today but we kind of got into a small argument about where are we going to live once we get marry and it seems that she doesn't like it here, she says that she doesn't want her kids to grow up in this environment like this, I mean what is that supposed to mean" Tiffany sigh wishing she could get an answer, but she knew better than that there was not going to be an answer.
"you know miss Hwang" Tiffany let a small scream went she heard someone speak
"Victor you scare me"
"I apologize miss"
"is ok you were saying"
"well miss Taeyeon is right here might not be a good place to raise kids"
"and why is that"
"well in the city of new York were you see almost anything, naked cowboy guys, the naked girls in times square, guys in super heroes costumes fighting each other and forgive me I say this but rich city kids grow up to be a little bit snobbish sometimes"
"did I grew up like that" Tiffany ask
"am I allowed to be honest" the driver ask
"yes you are allowed"
"then the answer is yes, you socialize only with those that are close to the same level as you, you don't trust anyone that is below you because you think that the only reason they approach you is because of your money, you don't drive because there is always one driver that is stand by always for you in any part of the world, you don't cook because there always a chef available to you 24/7 miss Hwang."
"then does that mean I should not marry her"
"on the contrary miss Hwang I think you should marry her"
"why you say that"
"well do you love her"
"more than anything"
"then there is no reason for me to tell you not to marry her after all I am just a driver"
"I don't know the way you just spoke to me tells me that you are not just a driver"
"well in my home country I am a psychologist"
"then why do you drive a car for my family went you can be making more money with your profession"
"because this is America Miss Hwang"
"so because these is America you can't work in your profession"
"exactly just to transfer my education background here is a lot of money and I have a family to take care of my kid is going to college next year and my second child is entering high school I have to make sure that they get a better education so they can live the American dream better than me"
"you are a great father Victor"
"I try to be the best I can be for my kids and Miss Hwang driving you around believe me is not cheap"
"I see, so mind me asking how much you actually make driving me around"
"I get pay enough to feed my kids, my wife and have comfortable apartment here in New York"
"does your wife work"
"yes she does"
"what does she do?"
"she cleans offices"
"Victor I am glad you are my driver"
"believe miss Hwang I am glad to be your driver, every time I get home my little girl asks me about you she really is a big fan of yours"
"why is that is not like I am an actress or a singer"
"well you might not but you are one of the richest person in the world and that makes you a celebrity in her eyes"
"then how about we go and see her"
The driver eyes sparkle with joy he never though that Tiffany would do such thing he was over the moon, his little girl will get her dream to be true.
"Sure please let me call my wife and tell her the news"
"yes go ahead"
The driver walk away leaving Tiffany alone again
"you would totally make me go and meet that little girl wouldn't you grandma" Tiffany said and the wind blew once again
"I'll take that as a yes, I love you grandma I wish I could hug you and tell you how much I have miss you all these year, I'll be back soon I promise"
Tiffany kiss her hand and place it on the gravestone and walk away to her car.
Is already dinner time and Tiffany was not back yet and Taeyeon was starting to lose her cool
"where can she be is dinner time and she is not here" Taeyeon was mumbling to herself
"go tell her that the dinner is ready" one maid said
"why don't you go tell her she has been in a bad mood all day" the other maid answer
Taeyeon phone ring but didn't answer went she saw that it wasn't Tiffany, she threw herself in the couch and just waited there, she wasn't even hungry.
*ahem* one of the maid clear her throat
"if you are going to tell me that dinner is ready don't even bother" Taeyeon said with her eyes close
The two maids walk away and left Taeyeon alone.
Taeyeon didn't even notice went she fell sleep until someone touch her shoulder
"Taetae wake up" Tiffany softly said
"Fany what time is it" Taeyeon ask rubbing her sleepy eyes to wake up
"12 am"
"what and you just got home" Taeyeon yell
"Shhh, there no need to tell the whole staff"
"that's what you are worrying about really"
"come on Taetae is late lets go to bed"
"don't Taetae me where have you been"
"I was out meeting some people that I didn't even notice the time now let's go to bed"
"is this how is it going to be when we are marry you disappearing all day because if it is like this then.." Taeyeon stop in the middle of her sentence
"then what Kim Taeyeon" tiffany ask crossing her arms waiting for an answer
"then nothing lets go to bed"
Tiffany walk away first and open their bedroom door and then closing it at Taeyeon face
"Fany open the door is lock" Taeyeon said
"I know is lock, I lock it"
"Fany open the door come on don't be childish"
"Childish you says"
"yes childish open the door now"
The door open and a pillow, a blanket and a pair of pj were thrown to Taeyeon
"yah what is this"
"sleep in the couch and if you don't want to sleep there, there's always the guess rooms that you can use" Tiffany said and closing the door again
"Tiffany Hwang open the door right this moment" Taeyeon yell
"Go away Tae I don't want to argue at this moment"
"who says we are arguing I just want you to open the door that's all"
"I don't want to open it so go away"
"you are just being childish"
"that's right I am childish, after all you did fell for a moody teenager"
"Tiffany open the door"
Taeyeon saw that the lights of the room where turn off and got even more mad
"you know what if you are going to act that way then let's not get marry I don't want to marry a moody teenager that gets mad just because I ask where you were all day and acting this way" Taeyeon yell
The door suddenly open revealing a really mad Tiffany
"I dare you to say that again to me" Tiffany said in a really intimidating tone
"I said that if you are going to act that way then let's not get marry I don't want to marry a moody teenager that gets mad just because I ask where you were all day and acting this way" Taeyeon said
"fine then if that's what you want there the door you can leave at any moment" Tiffany said closing the door once again
Taeyeon was so mad that she didn't even realize what she had said to the girl she waited for so long to marry and now she might had just ruin that chance once again.
Taeyeon walk to one of the guess rooms and got ready for bed
"you are just a moody teenager, you won't even move to Korean for me why should I marry you , heck why do I even care" Taeyeon said to herself
Taeyeon was already on bed when her phone beep showing an incoming message from Seohyun
It was a video
It show Tiffany sitting down concentrating in something
"Tiffany unnie" Seohyun voice was heard behind the camera
"What are you doing?"
" I am making this" Tiffany show a drawing of two hearts one in pink and the other one baby blue with Taeyeon and her name in it
"Why are you making that" Yoona appear in the video
"I want to give it to Taetae so she can put in in her room went I am not with her" Tiffany cheerful voice was heard
"when are you giving it to her"
"I want to take her to see my grandma grave, then I want to go on a picnic I'll give it to her then"
The video ended and another message arrive
From: little Seohyun
Unnie I hope you liked Tiffany unnie hearts she really took her time doing it kkkk
good night unnie ^_^
~ugh what have I done~ Taeyeon though.

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