When Rose got out Scorpius was already waiting for her. Scorpius was wearing a green and black checked shirt and sand coloured jeans. What he wore wasn't over dressed but he looked really good in it. Scorpius had washed his hair and left it scruffy which made him look even better. He had his hands in his pocked and he looked like he had been waiting for Rose for a bit. He looked up as Rose closed her bedroom door and walked over to him.

"Wow" Scorpius gasped "You look stunning" 

"Thank you" Rose giggled, blushing

Scorpius took Rose's hand and head her down the hallway "It's a shame these doors are enchanted" Rose sighed, looking at the doors as they passed "You can learn a lot about what people are like from the possessions they own, or in this case owned, and I would love to see what some of your ancestors were like"

"Well maybe," Scorpius said "later this year or next year, we will learn the counter-enchantment to the spell used on these doors, and we can look what's inside then"

"Good idea, do you know what the enchantment used on them is?" Rose asked


"Well, I will be doing a bit of research when we get back to Hogwarts then" Rose laughed "I sound like my Mum"

"Do you?" Scorpius asked, confused 

"Well, Dad and Uncle Harry say that Mum was always doing research for their adventures when they were at Hogwarts" Rose laughed "And spending a lot of time in the library and almost always with a book they didn't need for their lessons"

"Oh, I get it" Scorpius laughed

"Oh, how I wish I could have adventures like the three did...The Golden Trio... I suppose I am in a way part of that, parts of me are my Mum and Dad, so I guess I am" Rose smiled as they reached the top of the stairs. 

"Yes, they do sound amazing, and that's just what I read, Father or Mother would never tell me stories of the Golden Trio, unlike other children of our generation, I didn't go to bed with my Mother or Father perfectly reciting the tales of the Golden Trio" Scorpius laughed

"Don't say it like that" Rose laughed, but going red from embarrassment


"Because... It makes me sound all spoilt because the golden trio is my family, I even have family in the silver trio too" Rose blushed

"The silver trio?" 

"Yeah, Uncle Neville, Aunt Luna and Aunt Ginny, they fought a good deal too, some people call them the silver trio because they aren't as well known as Mum, Dad and Uncle Harry, but they are fairly well known" 

"I got that, seeing as I didn't know they are known as the silver trio, I knew who they were, Neville has a chocolate frog card, and he's a professor at school"

"Yeah I know"

So, Luna and Neville are your Uncle and Aunt?"

"Well, not blood related, Neville and Hannah are one set of my god-parents and Luna and Ralf are the second set of my god-parents" 

"Okay" Scorpius said closing the conversation. The had reached the living room and Narcissa was sitting on one of the bean bags reading a book. She looked up when she heard the two come in. Scorpius looked at her with a questioning look and she nodded "This way Rosie" Scorpius guided and he pointed to a door that lead to the dining room. They walked through the living room and through the dining room. They walked through the next living room and through the kitchen. Scorpius lead Rose to a third living room which had two double doors that lead out into the fields, hills and lake that Rose had admired so much after dinner the previous day. 

"Close your eyes" Scorpius whispered. Scorpius clicked his fingers and a small house elf ran outside, as  if it already had orders. He ran up toward the edge of the lake and clapped twice. Suddenly a cloth appeared on the floor with lots of food and drink spread out on it. The house elf ran back inside and ran back into the second kitchen, he came back in with a bunch of flowers which he handed to Scorpius. Scorpius nodded a thank you and the house elf disappeared. 

"Can I open them now?" Rose asked, confused as she had head shuffles around her and she didn't know what they were

"No, Rosie, I need you to trust me to guide you, I don't want you to open your eyes but I want you to walk forward" Scorpius said, putting his arm round her waist to help guide her

"Okay Scorp, just tell me where to go" Rose said, her hands on Scorpius' arm so she could feel the way he was moving

"Just keep moving forward until I say stop" Rose took small steps out of the house and up the garden. There was a small breeze and her hair and dress were slightly blown backward in the process. Eventually they reached the spot where the house elf had brought out, or made appear, the food "Stop" Rose stopped suddenly

"Now where?" Rose asked, still clinging onto Scorpius' arm for dear life

"Nowhere, open your eyes" Rose flicked her eyes open and took in the beautiful surrounding. The blue lake in font of them was sparkling from the reflections of the sun and the reflection rippled in the small waves made by the wind. The hills were covered in shadows from the near setting sun and the sky was starting to go a yellowy orange colour

"Wow" Rose whispered looking up at the view. She then looked down to where they were standing and saw the marvellous food splayed out on the cloth on the grass. "Scorpius, did you do all this for me?" 

"Yes, well, with the help of the house elves, but they just told me how to cook it all and they brung it out here, so yeah, I did most of it" Scorpius explained. Scorpius then handed Rose the bunch of flowers that he had being holding behind his back so Rose couldn't see

"Oh Scorp!" Rose explained smelling the roses that she had been handed "This is perfect, I love you" 

The two sat down and started eating. Rose sat slightly in front of Scorpius leaning into his chest. He had one leg out flat and the other bent to support her. The two eat in silence watching the sky fade from blue to orange as the sun set. 

"It's beautiful" Rose whispered, watching the sun go down

"It is isn't is?" Scorpius whispered back. Rose turned around to see his face "I love you Rose" They leaned in slowly and once more they were kissing, but there was one thing they did not know that would change everything.

Forbidden Love (A Scorose Fanfiction) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now