Ring ~~ Chapter Eleven

Start from the beginning

He started to feed off my aura. I turned my head to the side and it broke the connection. I was breathing heavily, trying to catch my breath. He pulled his hands away and sat up. I sat up and pulled my shirt down.

"How did you do that?" Silas asked.

"What?" I asked. He scooted next to me.

"How did you pull away? Feeding leaves a person paralyzed... you shouldn't be able to move."

I shrugged. "I don't know..." I held my wrist up showing him my bracelet. "Maybe this?"

Silas sighs. "I don't understand." He says threading his fingers through his hair making it stand up to make it look more wild. "Why will he give you that? What is he trying to do?" He mutters.

I shrugged. "Maybe it's, some way to make my aura stronger. It able me to stop you... Taking my aura so it can continue to grow?"

Silas shook his head. He stood up and helped me up. "After I fed from you, your aura grew back the next day. The day after that is became twice more vibrant."

"What does that mean?" I ask.

"I don't know. Aura can get bigger and smaller in size. All of them are usually hazy, but yours is more solid. I think it is not only getting bigger, but stronger..."


"I don't know." He says. He walked over to the edge of the platform looking over. I followed. I never been to the edge. There was holes and some parts were rotted away. I through it was dangerous, but it seemed stable enough.

"I did not want to bring you into this." He says quietly and sighs.

"I know."

"I'm going to ask you something that might seem ridiculous." He says. I looked over at him and he kept his eyes on the water. "If Jett finds you again and no one is there, I want you to do what he says, do what he tells you to do. Don't give his any motivation to hurt you. I don't think he will hurt you without cause, but please be careful."

His hands were gripping the railing so hard I thought it was going to break. I reached over placing my hand over his. He relaxed a bit grabbing my hand. "I am sorry you had to go through that. I should have been there for you." With his other hand, he rubbed his thumb over my cheek again. I sighed closing my eyes.

I jumped at the sound of Silas's loud ring tone, Jockey full of Bourbon. He pulled away from me and put the phone to his ear. "Hey." He said. "Alright, alright." He said after a pause. "I will get it." He nods. "Okay, I will be there soon." He then hung up the phone.

"You have to go?" I asked.

He nods. "I'm sorry."

"Its fine." I said, feeling bad for complaining. I did make him come out here. He picked me up and flew me back to my car. He kissed the top of my head before going back to my car. I drove home. I sat on my bed staring at the wall for the longest time lost in my thoughts. I thought of theories of what might happen in the future. I had no book to distract these thoughts from my mind and the library was now closed.

I decided to pick up my room it was quite messy. I put books I bought on my big book shelf that reached the ceiling. I threw my dirty clothes in a pile and took them to the laundry room. I put cleans clothes and put them away (Which I never do) I clean stuff up that really needed to be clean. I did anything to keep my mind off of things.

My brother cooked grilled ham cheese and tomato soup for supper. I decided to be nice and cleaned the kitchen. I was so tired; I didn't get to work on the homework I procrastinated on. I went straight to bed.

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