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It had been a day since we arrived at Grim. I've never seen such a city rich with different cultures and creatures. It was like a array of colours twisting and curling. The nokuratus flaunted their uniqueness for all to see and the gifted showed off their talents on the streets. I could even go as far as say it was a celebration everyday. Osydian said it so but she also warmed us of its deceitful beauty. There was a darkness that lurked in the shadows. A darkness so potent and alluring that it could consume any who lost their guard.

This was no place for weak souls for they were the first to be influenced by the dark.

After settling in we remained inside while Osydian contacted her witch friends for information. I sat in the lounge with Bryson just chatting and Vartan was in his room doing gods know what.

I kept swallowing trying to rid me of the scorching itch in my throat and gums. The hunger had caught up with me and with Vartan and I avoiding each other I had no way of quenching this undeniable and agonising thirst.

I was done feeding off of Bryson. The bloke had a lover back home and would feel like cheating on his part. I on the other hand had no choice that is if I wanted to continue living.

" You know you should find someone you could feed from. Go to a club and feed off of some Valyr or warlock twink. You look like you could fall any moment now, " said Bryson, sipping on a mug filled with blood.

I found myself salivating at the crimson liquid. But it was not tempting enough to get me to charge for it. It's scent was not that appealing to my senses.

The door from the hallway creaking open caught out attention. My heart thudded anticipating the possibilities of that melodic sound. Vartan came into the lounge. The sleeves of his dress shirt were folded up and a few buttons were undone showing off his beautiful pale neck. I could even make out the veins that were filled with sweet nectar, a drug to my system.

I swallowed hard trying to avoid ogling that particular area that had my fangs lengthening. He was just a few feet away. So close, I could feel his heart pumping essence through his body. Yes, Valyrs had beating hearts. They were just slower than human hearts.

" You have to feed, my King, " he broke the silence, staring intently at me.

I nodded, getting up then followed him to his room. I closed the door then sauntered to him. He was standing right infront of the bed as he unbuttoned the rest of his shirt then letting it fall carelessly to the carpeted floor.

" I apologize for speaking out of turn. I didn't mean to insult you, " he apologized, his face pinched with shame.

" It is water under the bridge. Do not worry yourself about it. " I shrugged.

" Now that that is cleared up I'd like for you to feed. Many days have gone by without you feeding and it isn't good. You have to be at your strongest at all times. " He nicked his neck and two drops of the glorious essence trailed down to his chest immediately drawing my attention.

I hissed from the sweet that wafted from him. The scent was like a beckoning to the gates of paradise. It was simply sublime and tempting. It pulled me in like a hauntingly beautiful song that couldn't be ignored. I wanted to sink my teeth in his neck and drink the elixir that was made to arouse my deepest desires.

That was the full effect of essence. It was temptation at its highest. A great delicacy in many creatures but for Valyrs it was life, survival and the only food source to quench their thirst.

And so I fed my hunger, one hand gripping his hair to the side to expose his neck and the other around his waist. I took mouthfuls and then a few gulps. When I felt him slumping to me I draw my fangs out, lapping at the bite marks to heal him and licking my lips groaning, satiated. I carried him over to the bed and carefully layed him, sitting beside him. I pecked his forehead. When I drew back he pulled me in for a kiss then released me.

I stared at him and he stared back. His eyes flared with so much emotion I thought I'd explode. A sheen of sweat wetted his face and torso and his apparent need stood at attention screaming to be relieved. I suppressed the urge to give in to him. I didn't want to fall in the habit of always falling under his spell.

He had two perfectly functioning hands which were more than capable of handling his problem. Hell, I had a problem of my own which I tried my hardest not to acknowledge.

When he fell asleep I went to my room to rest as well. That was one of the ways to vanquish my sexual needs. I was too frustrated for a cold shower. I would probably fantasize about him while in there and end up going back to his room.

I was more than elated that we were now on speaking terms. Vartan was very important to me. He was the creature I could rely on and the only Valyr I could tell my deepest secrets to. I would be lost without him. I was vulnerable now and I needed that one person who could help strengthen me. Vartan was that nokuratu.

* * *

I woke up at night and got out of bed. All the excitement that had occurred during the day had now dulled to a trifle heat. I went to the lounge and found Osydian there. She had the Circle of Elburus on the coffee table and a clear baby blue pouch filled with differently coloured crystals. Her face was pale and sweat mattered her hair on her forehead. She swept hair to the side releasing a deep breath.

Something was wrong. I could feel it.

" What's wrong?" I asked sitting beside her.

" I'm feeling nauseous and that feeling only comes when someone's life is in danger, " she replied, shaking her head.

She shakily took the pouch of crystals and turned it upside-down so its contents fell on the Circle The crystals shifted about and when they finally stopped they started glowing illuminating the runic signs carved into the wooden board. Osydian lifted her hand and hovered it above the board her eyes shut and her brows furrowed in concentration. I could see the balls of her eyes dancing against her shut eyelids as though following the images of future happenings popping in her mind. Then she gasped, her eyes opening. Her lips parted as she released shallow breaths.

" What is it? " I held her staring at her in concern and rubbing my hand on the small of her back in a soothing manner. " What did you see? "

She looked at me, tears rolling down her face. Her eyes flickered with many emotions. Fear, anger, sadness. The emotions were all rooted from pain.

" Vartan is in danger. If he is not saved then the darkness will consume him," she replied, laboured Breaths.

I was confused and greatly alarmed. I had left Vartan in his room fast asleep. What did he need to be saved from? It didn't make sense. He didn't go around making enemies or consorting with the Uffilians.

When Osydian calmed down I went to check on him. I opened the door to his room then slowly stepped in. He was not there. He was not in the en suit either or any other room in the house. His scent was faint. A clear sign that he'd been gone q while.I went to his room again and I saw a note on his nightstand. I took it and unfolded it. It read :

I've gone to hunt
I'll be back in an hour


I went back to the lounge and showed the letter to Osydian. We locked gazes. Our eyes showing the same emotion.



Not much is happening in this chapter but more interesting chapters will come. Thanks for reading this story so far.

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