Lover 38\\My Decision.

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Juvia's POV ❤

Juvia forgived Gray-sama about last night .

Juvia dressed up and left some pancakes and a note on the table.

"Erza-san I'm coming to your house."I said from the phone while walking towards her house for some exercise but I also need to talk to her.


*Erza's House*

Her house was great it was like a Mansion but Gray-sama's Mansion is larger.

"Here are your tea's and strawberry cake."Her maid said and bowed.

I took a sip from my tea.

"So what happened last night?Why was your flight canceled?"She asked curiously.

"Gray-sama...canceled it."I said.

"He did what?!Why?"She asked.

"Well..he was mad that I didn't tell him and that he said it was pointless on going there since its for my parents."I said.

"So what did he do?"

"He...he said that he'll get my flight back...."

"Juvia...Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes.....Juvia will miss you but she will come back for you guys...and Gray-sama..."She smiled and nodded.

"Good luck on your flight."She hugged me.

"Thank you Erza-san. Take care of the others okay?"

"I will..and until we meet again we'll have a strawberry party."She giggled.

I smiled. "I'll being you some cakes when I get back!"


Erza-san gave me a perfume so that I would remember her scent.

Lucy gave me a keychain of the words 'Best friend'

Levy gave me one of my ultimate favorite books.

Mira gave me a..maid outfit...the one I wore when I accepted that job. Eh heh...

"I'll miss you guys"We did a group hug.

(9:20 P.M)

I was now here at the airport.

Gray-sama and Mira-san with Leo were here with me along with Mr. Silver.

I was about to go in the plane I looked back at them and hugged them all.

"Thank you for taking me in your care for these past few months."I said with tears.

"We should be thanking you Juvia."Leo said as I Gave him a hug.

"Good bye Miss. Juvia until we meet again."Mr. Silver smiled sadly.

"Yes Mr. Silver."

"I'll miss you so much,Juvia...prove to your parents that you are not helpless and that you can achieve more okay?"Mira-san smiled.

I looked at Gray-sama and hugged him.

"Thank you....thank you for everything...."He whispered in my ear.

"Thank you so much,Gray-sama........for bringing happiness into my heart..Juvia won't forget you..Juvia will see you again.."

I hugged him tighter.

"Excuse me Mam,the plane Is ready to leave." A guy said.

I gave Gray-sama a quick kiss.

"Juvia....Juvia loves you Gray-sama!"I confessed quickly and ran towards the plane and got in.

I cried on my hands until an old man handed me a handkerchief.

"Thank you..."I sobbed.

"Please fasten your seatbelts"

"Gom'menasai...Gray-sama..."The plane went to the sky.

Gray's POV

"Juvia....Juvia loves you Gray-sama!"She Ran away.

"Juvia....Juvia wait!"She got into the plane before she heard me.

"Juvia!"I tried stopping the plane from going with my magic but Mira an Leo grabbed me.

"Gray!Calm down!"

"No!I'm not calming down!I have to get Juvia!!Our Juvia.....My Juvia..."

'Juvia followed you here,Gray-sama..'

'Yay!You did a great job,Gray-sama!'

'Gray-samaa!Can you help Juvia??'

'Juvia thinks you look handsome,Gray-sama!'


Juvia...I had tears on my eyes..

"I'm an idiot..."I cried and wiped my tears off of my face and shadowed my eyes..














I looked a them with a glare.

"What."I asked coldly...

So.....I'm back from being the depressed Gray huh?The cold and lonely Gray Fullbuster....

No...cold and lonely....that's not complete....

The cold and lonely Gray Fullbuster who doesn't have his true love.....

. . . Juvia Lockser. . .

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Ice-Devil's-Lover ❤||Book  2||Where stories live. Discover now