Lover 8\\ Elite

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Like Oh My Hola!!We have A Project In Science to invent something!!

And guess what I had In Mind?!!NOTHING!!!

We have to pass this Thursday!!(January 21,2016!!)

Now I Have to Work On My Invention late at night*sighs*I literally have no idea on how to do My Project Guys,

And I have like 2/3 more Assignments To do |||> ■

But there is something good about assignments!STAYING UP ALL NIGHT!JOKE!

Please Enjoy My Lovely readers!


1 week after the Announcement.



No way....No Way...Gray-sama..I-is..On an Academy...T-that..Also..Destroyed....Alvares.........A-and the Academy FA Never Defeated before..!

I might have a break down and A Massive nosebleed of Gray-sama's Looks(= •| =)


Juvia suddenly heard Gasps down the hallway.

Juvia peeked over to see---

"Woaahhh...!!!"Some Gushed in Awe as A Large crowd Surrounded some People with Dark Uniforms!

Woah!Juvia is........Confused....!

M-mIte...T-those pins....That gray-sama wore!!(O _______ O)

I-it couldn't be..---

"KYAAAA!!!!THE AVATAR MEMBERS!!!"They squeled!!!

I saw 7 people.

One caught my eye.

( O 0 O)


He flinched and Gazed at me.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Uhm.....I Attend Here.."I sweat Dropped.

"Whatever."He scoffed and Bumped Into My shoulder purposely and His Buddies followed him with Evil smirks.

"Aaahh!!~~That was so Cool Of You!~"A Voice giggled,"hm?"I grunted as I glared.

The next thing she said made my blood boil and my body froze.-


"Whatever,Bitch,"I heard Gray-sama said.

I shadowed my eyes.

I shooked my head and ran towards Algebra.

Hmph!Only Juvia should be calling Gray-sama,Gray-sama..!!

"Love Rival......"I muttured and Closed The door leaning on it...

The room was silent...-?

I looked at them to see staring at me with blank eyes...


"Juvia?"Erza-san started.

"What are you doing here?"

"Um.,,Algebra..??"I saidmquite confused.

"This is Biology,Juvia."Levy Sweat-dropped,

I blinked and blushed In embarrassment.

"I'm so sorry!!"I bowed with respect.



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