Chapter Forty

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Liz as been calling and texting me non-stop since last night and this morning too, guess someone passed the information to his Fiancé. I have been ignoring this so far and plan on to until I feel ready, at the moment the feeling of betrayal is more dominant than the feeling of hurt. I hardly got any sleep last nigh and I know I look like crap but who cares. I should look like crap, the person I thought was my best friend was engage to who I thought was my boyfriend and they didn't even tell me about it. Wait is my boyfriend?

I got up this morning to a note that probably got slipped under my door early this morning. It was from Joshua, telling me that I should meet him down stairs by eight. At first I thought that he didn't deserve a chance but I decided to give him a chance to at least explain.

When I got down stairs he was already there sitting. When I saw him how calm he was it sort of pissed me off, he didn't seem worried one bit.

I was thinking maybe I should go back to the room and lock myself there. But Samantha, this shouldn't go down like the previous one, your Joshua.girl now.

I was having a mental debate with myself on whether I should listen to his excuse or just run away.

When I got to where he was, he stood up from where he sat.

"Good morning" he offered.

I respond back a 'good morning' out of politeness, after all her is my employer. He gestured for me to sit next to him on the couch. Even though there would be space between us, it just wouldn't be enough so I declined his offer by sitting in the chair opposite to him.

He could tell that I was giving him the cold shoulder and I was making sure he did.

He regained his position on the couch and just sat there silent. For a man of many talent I never thought he would be speechless.

Silence, silence and more silence was all I was getting.

"You know you don't have to be avoiding me like I'm some sort of deadly disease. Like I've told you before 'I don't bit' so no need to avoid me" He said it with a smile on his face but mine was stone hard.

"I know this isn't the time to be making jokes but I do it when I'm nervous and that only happens around you, Sam." The smile was no where in sight anymore. "You make me nervous beyond anything or anyone, I was always thought never to have any weaknesses but you Changed that, love"

I didn't know whether to believe him or what.

"At first you where just a pawn in my game.......but then again I knew something was different. Your not like any of the other females I'v dated before."

I didn't know if I should feel offended or honored. "What game?"

"Well I had to be married to gain full control of the company, to prove to my father that I was and is ready and serious. To do so I needed someone who wasn't after my money, someone who was desperate enough to marry me whom I could control without difficulty. Someone who wouldn't put up a fight when I was finished with her and wanted her out of the way. But you, you are so stubborn."

Me, Stubborn? Danm right I am.

" That was how I came up with the plan of transferring the fifty thousand dollars to your account, where you would use it to pay for your sister's college fee," he stood from his chair and walked over to the window.

"When I would come to you with the proposal of going into a marriage contract, if you where to refuse I would black mail you to give back the money or do as I say. At the end of it all I would pay you an extra five hundred thousand dollars."

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