Chapter Twenty

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The house is too quit and lonely during the days. Some nights were a little different when Josh is here. Well that is when he is here. Sometimes I would wonder where he was. if he was with his hotel with any of his call girl or new catch. "Tsk. listen to you Sam. here sounding like a worried wife or girlfriend" I said to myself with the book in my lap. Don't get me wrong, he is attractive. I guess he's the perfect guy that any female would ask for. As for me now I have grown so immune to the opposite sex, I drought it that I know how to show affection anymore. Apart from those who I am really close with that is. I am so use to rejection that I have shut off all emotions and affections for people.

I have given up on relationships on a whole. They are too draining, damn I am drained right now just thinking about it. My life was never exciting but at least I had work as a distraction. I pulled my phone from my pocket scrolling through my contacts, I need someone to talk to before this boredom suffocates me. I can't call my mom because she is probably busy with work. Dad the same. Renee must be in class and I don't want to disturb her from school. I have only a few contacts so I don't have that much people to text or call. Then my older sister's number came up, we were never close so I guess she is out of the question. Not after that time. I shook my head, there is no point in bringing up the past.

I kept scrolling, then the name 'Drama Queen' came up. she's most likely working, I probably should bother her. I pressed the call button and as the phone started ranging, I remembered what Liz had said the night when we made up after our little argument. "It doesn't matter what it may be, even if its something stupid. I don't care, am your friend Sam and I want to help and be there for you in anyway possible. So don't think its ever too stupid to tell me!"

humph. She was always the type to wear her heart on her sleeves. . "Stupid girl" I said to myself as the phone rang.

She answered on the third ring. "Sup chick"

"Oh nothing just here bored out of my mind. What you doing?" I aske her.

"Nothing I'm home alone."

"Well why aren't you at work. Is it your day off or something?"

"Well I quit couple of weeks ago"

I was shocked. I know that Liz don't have to work there because her family has money and all but she loved working there. "Why. Did something happened?"

"Yea. Dave found out that I was dating Jason and told me that I had to choose between the relationship or my job. So I just got my things and left."

"I warned that they strictly prohibited us from dating any clients."

"It's  no big beal really. It was all worth it!" She sounds happy and I am happy that she is.

"Hey why don't you come over. We could have some fun. What do you say?" I heard her giggling.

"Ok sure. I'm here bored anyways, be there in a few"

"Oh and sam. Bring a bath suite along with you. Ok. Bye, see you in a few."

"Wait I d....." she hang up the phone on me. I just sat there with the phone still atmy ear. " She didn't even let me finish what I was saying." I said to the phone. I got up and walk back to my room to get my things. I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. When I checked it, it's was message from Liz with her home address. I dialed the cab company requesting a taxi to come pick me up and take me to the address Liz gave me.

The cab was here in no time I wasn't even finished getting my things together, I had to rushed out closing the door behind me. I threw my bag pack over my shoulder. I was never one who fancied hand bags,  I've always thought of them as just a burden or extra load to me. A bag pack was perfect, it holds a lot and can still look fashionable. Most importantly there comfy too.

I jumped into the car and said my good afternoon to the driver and gave him the address. It was a thirty minutes drive. Were out of the city, where we were was more guite, and looked peaceful. There are only mansions and huge houses  here. I figured that Liz had a little extra but not this much extra.

The driver turned up to two big golden metal gate and stopped. A voice came up over the intercom. "Yes. How may I help you?" A husky voice could be heard.

"U-um yes. U-um I'm here to see Liz! I'm a friend of hers. My name is...." but he cut me off before I could finish.

"Ah. Yes miss Jones. Miss. Madison is expecting you" with that the gates open up giving the car way to pass. A three stores house came in view, it was beautiful. I could see someone standing at the door. When the car came to a stop in front of the house I said a thank you to the driver and got out . I watched as the car drove off and then I turned my attention to the house to see who was at the door.

BeforeI was fully facing the person, she jumped on me. "Liz I can't breathe. Your squeezing the life out of me."

She let go instantly. "Oh I'm sorry. Just missed you that's all"

"Oh" was all I said which was followed by an ackward  silence.

We stood there for a while then she grabbed on to my hand." Come on I didn't invite you over so we could stand outside stairing at each other. We can do that else where if you want." She had that creepy grind on her face.

"Ewww Liz. Your such a creep" I said trying to pull myself away from her but she wasn't having it. She pulled me inside and leg go of my hand.

"Tada. Welcometo my home. Please make yourself at home"

I was drewling. The place was beautiful, there was a huge crystal chandelier hanging over our head the sun light enhanced its beauty. The  marble stair case leading to the other floors gave the room an elegant look.

"Shall we begin the tour ma lady?" Liz ask me, bowing with one of her hand pointing towards a door. I couldn't do anything but laugh at her silliness.

"Yes we shall" I said brushing pass her. She ended up showing me the entire house. The tour ended to her bed room. Her room was beautiful. The walls were pained in a very dark Shade of pink. Yep that's Liz for yuh, I thought to myself.

"Liz your house is beautiful. I think its even more beautiful than Joshua's house"

"Thank you. But I'm sure that's not true. Maybe its because he lives alone remember and its more of a bachelor pad than a home!"

"Well that's true." I said to her siting down in a chair that was around her desk. "Wait are you defending him? Don't tell me that your still in love with him?"

"Girl please. I am so over him like decades ago. Plus he's your's now!"

"W-what. No he's not"

"Yea, yea. Whatever ever you say" she said walking over to her closet. "Ready to go take a swim?"

"Sure." I said getting up to change.

Happy new year to you all. here is my gift to you, the first chapter of the year. Hope you guys enjoy it.

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