Chapter Nineteen

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Dedicated to @joyislife  for blowing up the comments and likes on this story its much appreciated

"Owww. Fish sticks. That hurts" I woke up with a splitting headache. What happened last night? The last thing I remembered was Liz telling us a story about the time she got lost when she went to visit her grandparents in Canada. I don't even know how I got home last night.

 wait how did I get home? Did Joshua bring me home, to my room? Wait he was in my room. Did he molested me. I look down at myself to see if there are any signs of being molested by that perv. I breathe a breath of relief for I couldn't find any. I made my way to the bathroom to freshen up and go downstairs to get something for this splitting headache.

I kept trying to piece things from last night events together. what really happened last night, I know I didn't had that much to drink last night and. Why cant I remember most of last night. 

As I round the corner to the kitchen I saw Joshua sitting at the counter, newspaper in hand  and a cup of coffee seated in front of him on the counter. I was in no way mentally ready to face him at the moment. I should probaly go back to my room and wait there until he leaves from work but I stopped myself.

'Sam stop you can do this. You will have to face him eventually so don't run, its now or never' I thought to myself and turn back and continue to the kitchen.

I walk over to the coffee pot to pour myself some. I turned to see Joshua still in depth with his paper. He looks so focused, his eyes fixed on whatever he was looking at. As if reading something displeasing his eyebrows came together and his lips parted. His eyes still scan the paper as he brought the mug to his lips. I just stood there staring like the fool that I am, his lips slowly graze the mug. 'I wonder what it would be like to kiss lips like those. Would it be that bad if he did actually molested me last night?' I thought to myself. 'what. what am I thinking he's a pimp' I just shook it off .

"Good morning" pulling him from what he was reading.

He looked up from his paper "oh. Good morning. How did you sleep last nigh?"

"ok I guess?  How did I get home last night. In my bed?" I ask him.

"I brought you there, is something wrong with that?" Hew had a teasing smile on his lips.

"oh. Well. So did know? I asked him.

"what?" he said. I bet he knows what I'm talking about but he's just messing with me.

"You know. Did we have sex?" I could feel my face heating up as the words left my mouth.

The amusement was obvious on his face. "what you don't remember"

I swallowed hard the coffee that was in my mouth I thought I was going to die right there and then."remember what?"

"you know. I wouldn't think that you would have forget after my name was so rolling off your tongue all night." His eye roamed every inch of my body. "You are also a little on the freaky side as well, if you know what I mean."

"what?" He stood up from the chair with the mug in his hand. He came to a stop right next to me, placing his mug in the sink. My heart paused right there and my body froze.

" We should do it more often. It was fun". He was so close, I was liking it. My ear felt lonely and cold when he moved away.

"You know I never knew that you that kind of girl. You are a little wild in bed" With that he was out the door.

"W-what?" it sounded like a high pitch squeak. He's joking right? I follow behind him into his office. When I got to the office he was sitting in his office chair. "Your joking right. You have to be"

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