Chapter Thirty- one

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Joshua's Pov

A sexual frustrated man is a dangerous one. Samantha being here right now, asleep is not making the situation any much easier. Our little session in the kitchen earlier has left me frustrated and a little uneasy down there. I need to release quick and real quick.

Samantha fell asleep half way through the movie and I couldn't blame her. She must still be tired from the trip.

She is proving to be more difficult than I had expected. Seemed un affected by what happened earlier, as if nothing happened. This is the first for me, a female rejecting me has never Happen before.

I guess there's a first for everything right? A rumble of laughter sounded in my chest. The vibration caused Samantha to sture in her sleep.

I looked down at her face and she was sound asleep. She looked peaceful. Maybe my plan isn't a good idea, a I would only be messing up an innocent girls life which is highly unnecessary.

Not that I haven't played with females before. A sinister smile graced my lips at that thought.

Not that they didn't deserve it, they where all sluts wanting one thing so I just used it at my advantage. But when it comes to Samantha she didn't deserve it. I think I might be even....... Nah.

My frustration might be why I'm thinking like this I need a release, now.


Third person Pov

"Thank you, Roy. I will call you when I'm finished"

After carrying Samantha to her bed, Josh called Roy to pick him up. Thirty minutes later he was standing at Breana front door.

"Well hello there" Breana was standing before me in a white rob open up to reveal the puple bra and matching lace panty that was underneath.

Joshua was in no mood to talk right and she must have seen it. She pull him in, closing the door behind them. His lips met hers eagerly, pushing her against the door.

His hands went in search from something to fill them and they found her rear end. The sudden contact was like heaven to her, but release for him. Nothing more than just sex.

Something hard was poking on her stomach. Her hand went down in search of there new visitor and found a hard Joshua standing at attention.

"Seems like someone is ready for me," A satisfied Breana whispered into his ear. "Here baby have a seat and let me take care of you" she pushed him down on the couch, standing
between his parted legs. She dropped to her knees, roughly spreading his legs.

She reached forwarded, yanking his pants open. The moment it came open he sprang to life the moment she pulled his pants off.

Joshua looked down at her through hooded eyes, daring her to take him in. With a smile she accepted his dare. She held him in her hand, licking at his tip.

Joshua was in no mood for teas, he grabbed a hand full of her hair in his hand slowly pushing her down. The sides of her mouth stretched to take him in.

He muttered something and his hips jerked under her arms. She felt proud at her reaction.

She pulled him from her mouth. "Does that feel good baby?" Joshua didn't answer, his head was thrown back on the couch. She took him in once again, lingering for a while. "That little will never make you feel the way I make you do."

Enough of this. In one swift movement he was on his feet switching position. He pushed her up against the couch with a bent knee supporting her.

Breana was surprised at is sudden change of mood, but it was quickly replaced with excitement when she felt him yank off her underwear.

"Eager now aren't we" She said with a lusful smile on her face.

Not once did Joshua attempted to engage in her conversation. That wasn't what he was there for, if he wanted to take he would have stayed home with Samantha and talk to her instead.

The sudden change of thought made him angry.

He position himself at her entrance. "Shut up" with one hard push he slammed against her. Her scram sent satisfaction through him. He pulled out and slammed into her once again. Her scrams distracted him from unwanted thoughts.

In a dance they both moved against each other. Her moans grow louder and louder.

Joshua was moving at a dangerously fast pace. She tried muffing her screams by biting into the couch but he wasn't having any of it.

He grabbed a handful of her silky locks pulling her head back to him. "I don't think that's a good idea" he whispered into her ear.

He needed to hear her screams in order for his thoughts not to go back to her. His pace qicken and her breathing got ragged and with a loud scream Joshua could feel her warmth. Moments after he followed releasing inside her, the latex separating them.

The room was silent, only the sound of there heavy breathing could be heard.

When there breathing was a little more stable, Joshua pulled him from her warmth. Pulling the latex off and he disappeared to the bathroom to flush the thing in the toilet.

When he returned to the room Breana was picking up her underwear from the floor were he had thrown it to. He was already putting himself back together.

He picked his phone from his pocket. "Yes Roy, you can bring the car around now. Thank you" with that he ened the call and stuff the phone back in his pocket.

Breana caught his movement. "What are you doing?" She asked him.

"I know your not a stupid girl Breana, what does it look like I'm doing?"

"That's not what I meant," She walked over to him. "I thought you would spend the night" Breanna tried her best to seduce Joshua into staying the night but he wasn't having any of it.

Joshua yanked her arms from around his neck. "Why would I do something like that"

"Because you want me as much as I want you." She ran her hands ups his chest.

A bitter laughter erupted from his throat. "Well not as bad, don't get confused." He brushed pass her, walking over to the door.

Breana was upset, she wasn't one to take rejection that easily. "Your going back to that slut aren't you," he stopped midway at opening the door.

Breana saw that she hit the nail right on the head and didn't stopped there. She was going to driving it further. "I bet she can't please you as much as I can"

Joshua turned to face her standing there with they robe still opened.

"I am what you need Joshua, she will never be as good as me" She said with pride.

He looked her over and realized that she was right. "You know what Breana your right she can never be as good as you....." a smile graced her lips in victory but it was short lived. It was Joshua's turn to smile in victory. "......because she is by far better than you will ever be. Ever"

Without another word he turned and left the room closing the door behind him.

While Joshua was in the elevator waiting for it to get to the lobby, he kept replay his and Samantha's encounter earlier in his head.

The bing sound of the elevator brought him back to the present.

When he went outside Roy was already there standing next to the car awaiting my arrival. Upon seeing me he opened car door for me to enter. He closed door and walked around to enter through the driver door.

Well that was fun. Joshua thought to himself.

He had discovered something new tonight, something he had tried avoiding lately.

Maybe it was just out of impulse. He thought to himself. "Maybe" this time it was audible. "Take me home, Roy" Joshua said to his drive.

"Yes sir"

With that the car drove down the street and he watched through the passing buildings through the glass. "Maybe"

Here y'all go, an early update for all my wonderful readers. Hope y'all like it and give me your feedback

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