Chapter Thirty-seven

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"Oh shit, did it" she had one of the biggest smile I'v ever seen.

"W-what?" I guess you can't hide anything from this female, uh?

And que the dramatic Liz. "You got layed."

"What. N-no I did not" My head felt as if its going to explode, how the hell did she know.

"Stop lying, you got layed, your cherry got popped. You got deflowered, you finally crossed the rainbow........."

"Shhh. Gezzz Liz, calm down, there are people looking." The person sitting around us were already starting to stare.

"Whatever let them stear, is it the first time they here two grow adults talking about SEX?" she said the last word with a little more emphasis than needed. A few of the surrounding patrons seized there looks while others just kept judging with there eyes

"I don't know why I even bother with you sometimes"

"Yea, yea enough about me. How was it?"

This girl is a little too inquisitive for her own good. "Can we not talk about this here!" I looked around scanning the area for any heas dropper.

"To hell. We are going to talk about this now and we are not leaving until we do."

There was no stopping this girl but not here. I just sat there giving her the silence treatment and she seemed to get the drift.

"Ok then, be that way but don't think that this is the end. I will milk you for every little detail. Every full stop, every comma and question mark." She took a sip of her ice coffee, the scary part was that I know she will make me tell her every little details.

"So does this mean that you guys are official now?"

Were we? I honestly didn't know. I don't know if we are a couple, official, dating or what. I kind of like the idea of us being in a relationship. That last thought made me smile a little. Just calling myself his girlfriend does sounds nice. But then again I shouldn't be expecting much from him, we just had sex once. Breath taking, babys making, heart stopping sex. Still I shouldn't be expecting a a marriage proposal.

"Honestly speaking I don't know" she had a look of pity on her face but the last thing I need now was pity from anyone. "Oh, how are you and Jason doing?"

Her look changed instantly from pity to excitement. "Great, he is just the sweetest guy I I've ever met....."

My ears where accepting what she was saying but my mind was a little occupied.


"Thank you Roy, have a good day" I thanked the driver. He respond with a slight nod of his head.

When I went into the house I was surprised to see Bev there in the kitchen. Ever since I started working here she was hardly ever here, not that I'm complaining or anything. Joshua has been giving her more times of. The woman was old for Christ sake, she probably need as much rest as she could get.

"Oh, Samantha hi" she tuned from the counter .

"hi. What are you doing here, aren't you suppose to be taking this week off?"

"Yes but I just thought I would come over and make something special for Joshua, seeing that today is his birthday" she said with a smile.

What. I didn't know that today was his birthday.

"I'm baking him a cake, even though he's not really a fan of sweets."

how did I not know that tonight is his birthday, I must be one of the worst employee in the world. "ok then, I'll be in my room if you need me"

"ok dear" she said, pouring the cake mixture into a baking pan.

what can I get him for his birthday? A watch? Nah he probably have tones of those. Got it. A new tie! no what are you, his mom.

Thoughts after thoughts flashed through my mind as I mindlessly walked to my room. I pushed the door.

I know, maybe a........ That thought was cut short when I saw a box laying on my bed. The black box was sitting on the bed with a small card on it.

"Dinner at my parents house at 7. Be my date." Even his penmanship was beautiful. The words on the card was more of a command than a question. Seeing that its is birthday I won't argue.

When I removed the lid of the box, a navy blue dress was lying in the box. When I held it up in front of me It seemed like a perfect fit.

how did he know what size I wear? The dress was pretty, and so were the black heels. I grabbed me phone from my back pocket.


"You know you didn't have to do that"

"There is nothing to it and I didn't mind one bit"

"It's your birthday so I should be the one leaving you presents on your bed"

"Then be my date"


"Accompany me to dinner at my parents house"

"Ok. It wouldn't kill. would it?"

"Good, and I'm glad you like the dress"

I didn't even tell him that I like the dress. "Yea its very pretty, thank you"

"Your welcome love. I have a meeting to attend to so I will see you later"

"ok. Bye" What have I gotten myself into. I sneaked a peek at the time on the phone and it was almost 6. I cant believe I was out that long, Liz talks too much . After she called me this morning and said that she was taking me out I couldn't refuse, who can refuse free food. If I had refuse she would have known that something was up, then she would have driven all the way over here. Pitty she still found out, I just don't know how she do it.

I think a bath would do be well right now. Yes a warm bath.


I was putting the final touches to my hair. The thing wouldn't stay up and I was at the point of ripping each strand from its root. I put the thing in a high bun, with a few curly strands at the side of my face. There were times when I just want to cut the thing off and give it to charity, then the other times where I love it and treat it like a baby.

I took one final look in the glass. My makeup was light, some
Foundation, a little shade lip gloss to keep my lips from looking cracked. A Dimond stud earing that my stepfather gave me for my 16th birthday. They went perfectly with my outfit, it didn't look over done. I did a little twerl, examining myself to make sure that everything was in place. It would be embarrassing if I were to go down those stairs with the back of my dress rolled up and tucked in my underwear.

I let out a breath. "Ok now. This is it, just don't act stupid or say anything stupid" I scolded myself through the mirror.

By the end of the night my feet won't be of much use to me, these shoes were rediculous but beautiful. The price you pay for beauty.

With each step I made I had to grab hold of the railing. I had to do so in and nonchalant way because Joshua was standing at the bottom of the stairs. For each step I took I prayed that I don't fall

When I took the final step to the landing I wanted to drop to the floor and start kissing it.

"You look.......nice, Samantha" he said placing kiss to my cheek.

'Nice' Just 'Nice' I was about to break my bloody hell ankles for you and I just look 'Nice.' "Thank you. You don't look half bad yourself" I said with a smile. He better be lucky it's is birthday or else I would have told him who looked 'Nice'

"Shall we" Held out his harm for me to hook mines with, I gladly did so.

He do know how to clean up good. He was wearing a red dress shirt with a black tie. His black dress pants was perfectly fitted, hanging low on his waste. His hair messy, but perfectly messy if it's possible. Joshua O'Connor will be the death of me if I'm not careful.

"Ma lady" He gestured to the open door of his car. I gladly complied with a nod and a smile, taking the front passenger seat.

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