Chapter Thirty

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"Thank you for taking me along with you to south Korea, I appreciated it very much" I said to him as I closed the car door. The plane ride back was quite and awkward for me but I managed to make it through.

"Your welcome, it was fun" I know what he means, just by that grin on his lips.

"ok then. I should probably go call my mom to let her know that I got back safe." I brushed pass him on my way to the house.

Ever since I started working for Joshua I haven't spoken to my mom that much. I guess I have been distracted, but that's still no excuse.


"Mom are you sure you guys are ok? I could always quit and come home if you want me to" I already know what she was going to say. She wasn't going to let me quit this job just for her.

"baby you know I won't let you do that, we are doing perfectly fine. Your sister is doing good in school, your father is doing good as well and me.... there is no need to worry about me ."

"Ok then mom at least let me help with the bills please"

"you don't need to...'' I stopped her before she could refuse the offer

"mom if you don't let me help I am coming home tomorrow....for good"

"ok then"

"Ok then. What?" I know that she was saying yes to me paying the bills.

"Yes you can help with the bills, but only this time. Ok!"

"see that wasn't hard, you need to stop being stubborn and let me help. That's the whole reason why I'm working here in the first place" I want to help in anyway I possible can but she makes it difficult sometimes.

"Same to you, you need to stop being so stubborn and stuck up. Get some friends.......a boyfriend for God's sake. You know your not getting any younger right!"

"Mom I already have a friend, as for the boyfriend I just haven't found anyone worth my time." I said the last part little uncertain. "I guess I got the stubbornness from you. The apple dosent fall too far from the tree doesn't it!"

She let out a little snicker to my comment. "You were always the spicy one, eh!"

Well not always, I just use it as a means of defense. That's the only way I know to deal with problems. "Hey mom I'm coming by soon cause I miss you guys"

"aw, we miss you too dear and we will be happy to see you."

We spent like a hour on the phone talking about random things and family matters.

I miss her very much, especially the long talks we would have. I even missed the times when she would try to set me up with some guy or one of her co-workers. Well I am doing this for them so I guest there is no complaining.

I flapped back in my bed. I was starving and tired. As I was lying there my thoughts went back to the night in the hotel room, I'm still not sure what is what but I was too scared to ask. I wasn't going to confront him, I don't think I can.

The sound of my stomach rumbling knock me from my thoughts. I should go get something to eat before I die from starvation.

I was standing in front of the fridge for like two minutes, undecided what to eat. I settled on a ham and cheese sandwich, with a very tall glass of cold milk to top it off.

I deserve a pat on the back. This sandwich was darn good, maybe I should study culinary arts and not mechanical engineering. I didn't know if it was because I was starving the reason why the sandwich tasted like gold.

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