Hush Hush (4)

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"... Talking..."

'.... Communicating telepathically...'

"... Talking through communicator(s)..."


"I don't want to leave." I whispered to Dick as the adults chatted.

"I don't want you to leave either." Dick whispered back, grasping my hand from under the table. "I'll get you out of there, one way or another. I asked Nightwing to help, so it should be easier." He told me, stroking the back of my hand with his thumb.

"How is he gonna help?" I asked, looking at him curiously.

"He has his ways, just don't worry." He smiled.

"Well, it has been a pleasure doing business with you." I heard my father chuckle along with the scuffling of chairs. 'Whelp, back to hell.' I sighed, standing up along with the others.

"No problem," Bruce smiled, shaking my dad's hand. 

The car ride home was awkward, and quiet, but I could feel the tension in the air. It was suffocating. "Take that dress off." My mom commanded when we got inside the house. I remained silent, and stood there for a moment before starting to walk to my room, only to be stopped by my mom and sister. "Take. It. Off." She seethed, gripping the dress.

"Mom, don't ruin it, I want it remember?" Leeann pouted. "Now, take it off." She glared at me, tugging my dress. 

"No." I bluntly replied.


My head whipped to the side from the impact of the slap. "Off." My mom snarled, grabbing the zipper of the dress. I growled and grabbed her wrist, only to have my sister join in. It wasn't long until they managed to rip the dress off of me in one piece. 

"It's so pretty." Leeann gushed admiring the dress. "Can't believe he gave this to you. This should belong to me, he should be giving me gifts. Not your ugly ass." Leeann seethed, punching me in the stomach, making me double over slightly. 

I was about to walk off, but my mom grabbed my hair and yanked me back. "We're not done with you." She hissed, tossing my head around. Leeann came back with a knife. Wait, let me rephrase: she came back with a butcher knife. Not those small fruit knives, she came back with those huge ass cleavers. I could easily escape this, but a lot of shit would stir up. I pretended to be afraid and thrash about. 

I have nothing to be afraid of, at least I don't have to be afraid of them, they can't kill me. Leeann swung the cleaver and embedded it into my thigh. 'Mother fudger, effing son of a gun!' I cursed in my head while I let out a scream. "Shut up," my mother slapped me before pulling out a pocket knife and cutting at my stomach and arms while my sister cut at my legs with a small knife. 

I calmed myself, and zoned the pain out. They kept at this for about half an hour before leaving me there on the living room floor in a bloody mess. "You better clean that up." My mother told me before going off to her bedroom. 

"Bitch." I lightly hissed, flashing my red eyes behind her back. "One day." 'Tsk, at least she healed me before she left. Thanks bitch.' I scoffed, standing up and going to me room. I took a quick shower to wash the blood off of me before going back to the living room and cleaning up the bloody mess. "Tsk, I need to feed soon..." I thought out loud, tossing the blood died towels in the trash.

~Mean while no one's POV~

"Dick, I think you have the proof you need... And I think you should look more into Serena." Bruce said in a dull tone as he watched the abuse that Serena was going through on the screen in the bat cave. Dick gritted his teeth and clenched his hands into fists when he saw what was happening to Serena. But what shocked him the most was when her eyes turned a bright ruby red. 

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