One Domination( One Direction)

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One Domination arrive to earth they're named  Barry the leader, Chris, Lyall, Diem, and, Dwayne. 

they have been given orders from lord cowell to take over the world, and destroy our pop divas.

With their hit single things that makes you beautiful the boys become well known and have fans 

all over the world. they show up at a local news site and announce they have a concert coming up in a 

few days. this concert sells out in a matter of seconds because the boys are hot. Barry has curly hair 

with pale skin and is ripped, Chris has brown bowl cut hair, Dwayne has a beard with a light brown 

skin, Lyall is the shor t but blonde one and Diem, looks like a older justin bieber. Lord Cowell creates 

creates more songs for them to sing at the concert but when they sing things that make you beautiful

the teen girls gets brainwashed and are under the control of lord Cowell and the evil witch madonna. 

We see our divas looking at the brain washed teens as they morph in to their diva suits, Rihanna 

says it's show time as the divas magicly put on sparkly bikini's. They do a the diva back flip which 

transport them to the concert, as they find a way in they're stopped by the boys. The divas start a 

dance off with the boys but something is wrong, the boys can't dance. The boys can only jump

around and on top of each other, they can't sing and dance at the same time so the divas win. The 

pop divas known their weakness so they flee with lord cowell smacking them in the back of the 

head. Our pop divas release the teen girls from the spell by singing and dancing on stage to a 

song called Lady marmalade. Lord Cowell takes the boys to a warehouse where they're sent to

the pods again. In the pods they're given a Chemical called the X-Factor which they learn

how to become a better band of brothers which can dance, sing, and now they have powers of their


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2013 ⏰

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