Christmas Tales

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It was Christmas eve, the four friends say infront of the fire place with hot cocoa, earning up their hands. With a game of regular chess between them, they still hadn't gotten used to moving the pieces themselves. They woulda till shout the positions, and sometimes, (mainly jack,) would make booing noises when the pieces refused to attack each other when called out.

Although Jack found it boring, Rapunzel liked it because the pieces wouldn't brake, so she imagined that they would just tag eachother instead, and politely walk away.

Hiccup just liked it because winning. Jack was too distracted by lack of effects that he didn't even bother paying attention.

"This game sucks." Jack muttered as Hiccup called a checkmate.

"I like it." Rapunzel smiled. She didn't like barbaric things, and she was more fascinated in the melted marshmallows in her cocoa anyway. She'd poured half the bag into her cup, and she couldn't even fit much cocoa in the cup after words.

So basically, Rapunzel was drinking marshmallows.

"Me too." Hiccup smiled.

"that's because you won!" Jack exclaimed. Hiccup shrugged. Of course that was why.

Merida watched her friends argue as she sipped her cocoa. She stared at Hiccup throwing back the worst insults at Jack, and jack throwing back sarcasm.

Rapunzel nuzzled herself.into his ugly Christmas sweater.

They were all wearing ugly sweaters, but it was practically a tradition. Merida wanted to mimic Rapunzel, but she knew it would be strange and hiccup would probably just stand up and walk away nervously as soon as she were to lean her head down.

they say in comfortable silence for a while, dipping on cocoa, before Merida's father berated through the door, covered in snow.

Immediately, everyone could tell where Merida got her looks from.

The ginger haired large man came into the living room with a jolly expression. "Ho ho ho!" He mimicked, embracing Merida with a near hug. He stood covered in snow, but Merida still found him warm to the touch.

"Dad!" She said happily.

"guys, this is me' dad." She introduced him.

"and since I'm back, I guess it's... " they said the next part in unison. "story time."

He have a Hardy laugh before calling, "Boys!" The triplets came bouncing into the room, climbing onto his back.

After sharing a laugh, they seemed to expect what was to come, as they muttered, story, they say down and listened attentively.

"So. The story begins..."

Centuries ago, there once was a young girl, or shall I say, princess, who lived under the rules of royalty of which the queen had set for her. The kind and queen also had there sons, amongst them, the country known as Scotland.

The rules and regulations we're tearing this young girl apart, as she would often sneak out to sword fight with her father instead of having princess lessons with the queen.
Well, all of this led up to one terrible day for the princess, who was betrothed to be married to one of the three sons from each clan.
All the princess had asked for was her freedom. But betrothal, although was necessary to the queen, was outrageous in the eyes of a 16 year old girl, forced to choose between 3 sons whom she found useless.
Well, one one sunny day, the sons we're to battle in the game of archery to win the princesses heart. Luckily, th princess was able to battle for her own hand. In the game of archery, she was able to hit all three targets, the third most extraordinarily.
The queen Didnt like this. She felt embarrassed, and took her to her room, where she true the bow into the fireplace. Angry, the princess had ripped the family quilt down the middle, separating her and her mother.
The feud continued, and the princess refused to get married. But she had no choice, so she went to a witch, whom was able to brew her a option that would supposedly change her fate.
She was given a cake, which she fed to her mother with good intentions, but found her mother minutes later as a black near, much like the one that maimed her own husband, the king.
The princess taught her mother to drop her ladylike acts of a queen to adjust to living as a near, which they.began to bond right away. As they tried to find a way to break the spell, Thu found her mother began to act more and more like a real bear, but not in the best way.
They found that they would have to mend the bond by the setting of the second sun, before it was too late.
But soon they learned of three sons, whom had used the spell before. They had broken the bond, and the eldest brother, Mor'du, was turned into a bear, the same one that maimed her father.
After they began to mend ths bond between them, the queen felt it was right tolet her daughter break tradition, and not go through with the marriage.
The princess was able to fix the tapestry that was ripped, but it wasn't before the king had mistook the bear for Mor'du. When the queen went missing, he concluded that the bear had killed his wife, the queen.
The princess was able to escape with the help of her brothers, and ran to the battlefield just in time. As The king was about to behead ths bear, the princess challenged him to a duel.
With all the commotion, the real bear, mordu, had sprung into action, running towards the princess.
Mor'du was angry, and only shared intentions of killing the princess. But the queen smashed mordu into a rock, where he was crushed to death. His spirit was freed, and bear looked into the princesses eyes as she fixed the tapestry. The first attempt failed, and as the second sun rises, the queen was still a bear. But arche last moment, the princess embraced the bear into a hug, where the queen, toolbar rightful form so she was able to hug her back.

As the story ended, the 4 friends and 3 brothers still leans in in attentive listening, as he ended wig,

"And that was how she changed her fate."

Everyone stared in amazement, after the thrill of the story still sucked them in.

"wow." Punzie muttered.

"Kids, it's time for bed." Elinor called out, as she embraced her husband in a hug. "happy Christmas."


The two boys felt hands shaking them awake. They opened their eyes to the dim morning light of winter as Rapunzel and Merida dragged them out of bed . (Literally.)

The boys fully awakened when their bodies hit the floor with a thud. Well, Jack was awakened. Hiccup on the other hand draped lazily across the floor as he demanded. Merida shouted, "Get up!"

Christmas a blast, honestly. The Dunbroch family really did know how to throw a feast. In the morning, they found elegantly wrapped little boxes, a few for each of them. None were extraordinary, Jack got Rapunzel a beautiful bracelet with a yellow sun shaped jewel. He got a kiss, Jack blushed... a lot. Jack then found his present, he violently shook it as if he could guess what was inside instead of just opening them. There he found a board of... muggle chess.

 "Really, Hiccup." Hiccup shrugged. Jack pouted, but violent help but chuckle at the crummy gesture.

Hiccup got the impatient toothless a bowl of fish, (eels not included,) as she stuck her head into the large open window by the tree.  She saved a head for Hiccup, who nervously laughed before taking a bite into it, (and spit it out later.) 

Then it was Merida' s turn. She hungrily tore the package to shreds, when she found a long arrow with flames dancing delicately into a carving, even enough to perfect her already perfect aim. She grabbed Hiccup and swung her arms around him. "Thank you, Hicc."

turned a deep red.. Of course, he still hugged back. Soon, the party would begin.

Little did they know, Rapunzel invited her cousins, Merida invited the neighbors, and Jack brought a whole bunch of kids that no one really knew, but no one decided to question. Hiccup stood alone, as he watched Merida swung her arms to the jolly folk tune. Scots always did know how to party, he thought. He'd chosen to accept the fact that Merida was the most beautiful human being he'd ever layed eyes on. Of course, he wasnt over Astrid. Maybe it was because he constantly wondered about her, why she did what she did, and if she really was all that bad. He always assumed she wasn't, though. But tonight, he could only focus on Merida. The way she moved herself, and smiled ever so honestly, the look of her happy. He wanted her to be happy.

Could he make her happy?

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