The Way You Look At Her

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The five champions held up their eggs above their heads in the court yard as the teachers let them have one get together as a reward. With pride, they all cheered as they were held up one by one by their own houses. Even Slytherin, when they got over the fact that Jack may or may not have cheated, for they realized they had a better chance of winning. (Until they learned that the house was also competing between 4th and 6th years as well.)

"Open it!"A Ravenclaw shouted. Hiccup responded with a smile.

The crowd cheered, "Yeah!" And Hiccup looked at his fellow champions. They all nodded as Merida said, "You do the honors."

As Hiccup hovered his hand over the opening, Punzie felt her smile fade as she remembered, 'The egg gives an unbearable screeching sound.' She shouted, "Hiccup wait!" But it was too late. An unpleasant scream filled and ring throughout the Courtyard, and covering your ears only silenced a small fraction of the musical horror. Hiccup struggled to press down onto the opening again as the screeching made the egg shake in his hands, and when it finally closed, they heard exhausted muttering and a brief, "What the hell, dude??" They looked over to see a petrified Professor Tooth.

Jack looked at his Egg for a moment, and tossed it aside again, fearing what it holds inside. The rest of them did the same.

"we'll, with that out of the way, let's party!" Punzie shouted, pumping her fists in the air as the crowd resumed Cheering.

Hiccup smiled, until he felt two hands grab his face and pull him towards them. Astrid planted a firm wet kiss square on his lips. Hiccup, as shocked as he was, had no idea what he was doing. He's never kissed anyone before. But the way her lips moved against him made him enjoy the moment anyway.

Merida watched.on horror. She couldn't help but state for a moment. But she felt it only tortured her. She felt her heart snapping. She felt her legs buckling from beneath her. Surgery the world moving on it's axis. She felt herself break.

She ran out of the court yard and to the bottom of the clock tower, the closest place to go to escape.

Jack had followed, as she was unaware.

He sat beside his heartbroken friend who wiped away her tears as soon as they fell, but soon let them fall without bother.

He put one arm around her in comfort, as she gladly excepted. He had never seen Merida cry before. It scared him.

Merida never cried. As far as he was aware, she didn't know how to cry. But today she learned.

"How does it feel, Jack?" He heard her shriveled and cracked voice ask.

"how does what feel?" He asked, still trying to sound gentle.

"When you see Punzie with Eugene. He as attentive, now. How had she known? "I see the way you look at her, Jack." She quietly spoke again.

Jack looked down at his lap. "I'm sure you already know how it feels, Mer.." He hugged her tighter and let her tears soak into his shirt.


Yeah, I did just steal that scene. But it's a fanfiction, I never own anything anyway.

Poor Mer and Jack, Friend zoned. Stupid zones. I hate the friend zone. Oh well. :(

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