Home is wherever I'm with you

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Landing was tough for hiccup and Toothless.

Hiccup made a note to fix that as soon as he could.

He gave Meridas mother quite a scare when they landed, Merida flew back, pushing Jack and Rapunzel back as well as Toothless skirted to a hault along the grass. She gripped her claws to the ground,-she'd gone much faster than she thought she did. Although, Hiccup tried to take comfort in the fact that what had scared her was not her daughter falling off of a giant dragon and possibly getting hurt, but the plain idea that there was a giant dragon right by her house.

Meridas mother wasn't a thing like he'd expected. She was a tall slim woman with a long brunette braid trailing down her back. Her hair was shockingly straight and tamed in comparison to Merida. She had bags under her eyes, and even with her run, she seemed very precise with each step. Very elegant, in a word. Basically, she was nothing like Merida.

She leaped to greet Merida in a bear hug, as Hiccup helped Merida down, he was practically pushed away by her mother. Merida hugged back willingly.

Meridas mother pulled away, tucking one of many loose strands behind her ear.

She kissed Merida on the forehead where Merida debated, "Mum..."

Her other turned to take a good look at her friends. She clasped her hands together and greeted them with a smile. "Welcome!" She said. "I'm Merida's mother, but you may call me Elinor." They noticed she had less of an accent than Merida. It was still there, but it was faint, and could've been mistaken for english without her use of r's.

"And Is this Hiccup, or Jack?" She'd asked Hiccup, who'd given Merida her bag. Elinor kept her distance from toothless, still yet.

"Mum, this is Hiccup. He's a dragon trainer,and this is his dragon, Toothless." Toothless smiled, showing her gums, as Hiccup awkwardly presented himself by waving.

Elinor hesitated by saying, "What a... Pleasant occupation."

Hiccup laughed nervously, as he leaned on Toothless, only realizing that he was too far away from her to do so, and he'd fallen to the ground.

"Charming..." Elinor said. She tried to smile, but Hiccup knew he'd made a bad expression.

"What about these two?" SHe smiled much more sincerely at the small girl and the boy who'd generously helped her down.

"I'm Rapunzel." she greeted the brunette with a hug. 

"I've heard much about you." She smiled with Rapunzel, then turned to the white haired boy not far behind her.

"And you must be Jack." She shook his hand whole heartedly. Hiccup was awfuly confused. Why did she seem to like Jack better? He understood that Hiccup was a boy, so she'd be a bit timid, but Jack was rebellious and cunning. He didn't follow rules much, and just by looking at him, he seemed less innocent than Hiccup.

"Now, come along. Let us properly get to know eachother." She led them into her home.

They all were a bit shocked to see the size of the house, it looked much like a cabin, but a really big cabin, with 2 stories and marble starcases and consisted of enormous glass windows.  In the middle of the woods, it was a shock that they couldn't see it from up in the sky, even though it was wooden. It was just really big. 

It was no wonder they were spending christmas here, though. There was more than enough room for everyone. As large as it was, the only thing that kept it from being a mansion was its homey touch. Carpets and soft couches, with a big brick fireplace. Pictures lined the brick and wood walls, each of Merida and her three brothers. They all looked the same, so the only way they knew there were three was because of the group picture of them climbing on Merida.

Wow. They all thought. The least princess like girl they'd ever met, was the one who'd lived like one all along.

"Well, Merida, could you show them to their rooms? Boys on the left, girls on the right?"

"Alright, mum." She led them up the staircase, and Rapunzel ran next to Merida.

"Merida! YOu never said your house was so... Big." The group nodded in agreement.

She shrugged. "Yeh' never asked."


SO. JACKPUNZEL. FINALLY. And i know what you guys are thinking;


I know I know, and youre probably also thinking; FINALLY. and WHY IS IT SO SHORT.

because I'll be away from home for a while, therefor no computer. (OR WIFI D:)

SOrry this took so long. Its the middle of the term, and I'm actually trying to get A's. (I think I'm partially succeeding. 8th grade is hard. -.-)


Anyway, I've also been on another account, for my actual writing. I wrote a story for class about the life of a ckid with two dads. YOu guys wanna see it? 

lemme know :)

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