Everything is going to Be Okay.

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I've been told I need to use spell check xD sorry, I use my phone because my computer's internet is FAILING ME. and I'm guessing she's only told me this now because its getting difficult to understand. Thanks for that though! I JUST WANTED TO PUBLISH IT SO BAD MY WIFI SUCKS TOO.

Love ya though :D

By the way, I mention a very minor curse word later on, but I thought it would be funny xD


Astrid wasn't a terrible person. She looked hurt, but she didn't cry. She was rough, but that was simply just how she was. She didn't take any bull from anyone. That's why she chose Hiccup. he was gentle and only tough when it meant life or death. But Astrid wanted someone who was tough because they were built that way, like she was. Someone to compete with. But Hiccup was something new. That was what she saw in him.

She wanted to cry, but she couldn't. She did really like Hiccup, but she didn't cry over boys like that. She was simply confused. Did that mean she liked the triwizard champion? Or what Hiccup simply came to be in the end? Or maybe who he always was.

No, she thought. That's not Hiccup at all. He was Kind and conciderate, and nervous at times. He was tough when he needed to be, but when he needed to be, he was no longer the same Hiccup.

She pursed her lips. She was confused.

She didn't like Hiccup before because he was scrawny and shy, and useless. But he wasn't useless if he was chosen. Then she couldn't take her hands off of him... Literally.

But she never really talked to him. Maybe she did fall in love with the champion. But thinking about it, something still longed for him. She bit her lip in thought.

I'm in love with the champion.


Merida strolled through the halls alone, wandering around before the train would leave. As she awaited Jack, she saw Hiccup at the bottom of the staircase, hugging his knees with his face buried in his hands.

Was he crying?

She ran down the stairs and slowly made her way towards him. She rubbed his back in comfort as she sat down on the bottom staircase. It was cold, and hardly anyone was in the school.

When he lifted up his head, he took a deep breath and stared at Merida. His eyes werre red and puffy, and his face stained with tears. Merida also noticed, (No pun intended,) that he was hiccuping.

His teeth chattered in the cold wind, and Merida gave him a comforting look, saying, ""Tell me what happened."

Hiccup cared not to hesitate, and tried to catch his breathe and steady himself before speaking. "I-I.." He stuttered through his hiccups. (NO PUN INTENDED.)

"I broke up wit- with Astri-id."

Merida didn't like seeing Hiccup like this. Of course she was overjoyed with the news, but why would he be crying if he broke up with her?

"Then why are you crying?" She let the curiosity get the best of her as she tried to sound as polite and supportive she could.

"Well..." He began. He stopped stuttering, and he loosened his hug to his knees. "She didn't really like me."

She bit her bottom lip and put her arm around him. He hugged him tightly as he slowly stopped crying. She layed her head on his shoulder as he replied by leaning his on her head. Her hair was still somewhat straight from last night. She wrapped her arms around him as he shook from the cold.

As they sat in silence for a short while, he finally said, "Do you ever feel like no one could ever fall in love with you?"

She sighed. of course I do, you dumbass. "Yeah... All the time." said.

"I didn't, not until now." Hiccup said.

Merida looked up to his face. "We love you, Hic. Jack, Punzie. I love you, Hiccup." Those words came out of her as honestly as humanly possible. She loved him.

"I know you guys do. And I love you guys too. But, no one could ever fall for the real me. Not in love. Not like Jack and Rapunzel."

Merida bit her lip hard. How do I tell him?

"Hiccup, a girl would be stupid not to fall for you." She said, stern. 

Hiccup gave her a ghost of a smile. "Thanks Merida, really."

He's not getting it, is he. She thought, mentally face palming.

Hiccup suddenly realized the position they were in. He stood up, and took her hand. He was extremely confused about Merida. He couldn't decide if he liked her or not. Something about it wasn't right, when he first thought about it. But that was because he was taken.

But Merida was so... wonderful. She always acted like a sweetheart around him, because Hiccup was uncomfortable with tough girls. She was always so sweet to her friends. She stood up for herself. She was... something different.

And Hiccup liked it.


This is it, Punzie thought. We're going home. Well, not home, but Merida's. Rapunzel wasn't a prueblood, the only person who was out of the four was Jack. But she was a half blood, and she lived in the wizard world her entire life.

She was going outside Londons train station for once. And off to scottland with her friends. But her best friends were family, and Punzie thought to herself, Home is wherever I'm with you. 

It was Merida's favorite song at one point, and it made Punzie happy. So it was her favorite song too.

She hummed the song to herself as she packed. She felt a small creature climb on her shoulder. She turned her head to see her chameleon, Pascal. She giggled, and grabbed him as he sat in the palm of her hand. "We're not going home, this time. We're going to the muggle world." She smiled widely.

She chucked her last scarf into her truck and slammed it shut. 

Jack must've been out of the hospital wing by now. He was packing as she was. Rapunzel blushed at the thought of Jack. She liked Eugene, but she liked Jack too. Now she knew Jack liked her.... And Eugene... Well, enough of that. 

Everything was getting back to normal. Finally.

DISCONTINUED: RotBTD: Hogwarts days.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ