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Alright, well, here we are guys.the final chapter.
This us my first story ever pushed on wattpad, and I was so excited to start it! It's my first book, and I'm quite sad to be finishing it haha... Anyway, I'd like to thank all of you who have commented such nice things about my work, I appreciate every single one of them so much. I was originally going to thank individuals, but I can't fit all of you, so I'll shorten that up.
Of like to thank commenters, voters, grammar Nazis, Dream-works, Pixar, and to you
Of you have stuck with the big four
The boom of the cannon was loud enough to dragon those within a 20-foot radius, but the 4 attendants didn't seem to bother with that. They scattered immediately into the maze as the Professors have worried looks at their fellow students, throwing themselves into a deathly maze positive that they ignored the warnings of Professor North and the history of this maze itself.
It changes you.
People say it's the nargles, but no one really had evidence of that. Perhaps it was a curse, maybe even a simple charm. Some say it wasn't magic at all, that the enclosed spaces of the walls alone, and the ruthlessness of friends turning on each other for riches and game that drove one insane all in itself.
They wondered who would go insane first.

"Probably Jack." They thought.

And the cannon went off.

No one really knew exactly what they were doing, there was no strategy, no planning ahead. That was the controversial downfall to magic. Much like the moving staircases, these walls had no pattern. They were just like crossing streets of a 4-way road with a broken streetlight, something only Merida was familiar with anyway. But they ran with the same goal in mind.

to win.


Huffing and Puffing, HufflePuff pride, right? She didn't know how long she'd been running for. 10 minutes? It's not like there was a clock to look up to. The silence was violent to her. Only her footsteps and uneven breathing.

"Crucio!" She heard, a mere fraction of a second before pain exploded throughout her body. Almost paralyzed, she managed to fall to the floor, forcing herself to face the attacker.

a bright red light flashed, "Stupify!" rang the familiar accent.

The attacker flew backwards, a green light that sprouted from his wand now bursted into nothing, his wand flying out of his hand. Rapunzel closed her eyes, the relief turning into exhaustion, the clank of two wands against eachother rang in her ear before she passed out.


As Merida held the 2nd wand in her hand, she walked over to the unconscious Eugene, poking his eyelid with the wand she had stolen from him.She flinched at the sight. stepping back.

His eyes were completely white.

She kept moving forward, kicking him in the leg with satisfaction. She continued to run.


The fog was really aggravating to say the least. It had been nearly forever since he'd gone out in a dangerous situation without his friends. Not even without Toothless.

Although his legs were tired, the magic in the air persuaded him in whispers to keep going. He forced his legs to break into a sprint until he finally decided to take a left turn.

However, he was stopped mid turn by something. Something hard.

Through the collision, Hiccup could only see white fluff falling in front of his face and an "oomf" to match his own, falling to the ground. Rubbing his head, he looked up to see his friend, or foe for the time being.

DISCONTINUED: RotBTD: Hogwarts days.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat