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I wonder if you even care anymore.

You're acting different, you're leaving me alone in the flat and it's unusual for you to do that. I know you more than anything and for you to suddenly change something in your normal routine that I've gotten so used to is strange. Worrying.


Your kisses are quick and rough. You barely tell me your goodnights and I often find myself crying to sleep. You don't look at me the same way anymore, you often change subjects when I try to help you. I put so much effort to help you Dan but in a snap of your fingers you change the topic.

Your I love you's don't seem to mean anything anymore.

And it hurts.

It hurts so much.

I miss you, but you don't seem to miss me. I miss how I'd make those dimples of yours come out, I miss hearing you say how much you love me. I miss so many things.

"I am done!"

I yelled in absolute fury. But you're looking at me, with those brown eyes. They don't look at me the same anymore. I don't see the love in them.

"Do I even mean anything to you anymore?" I said, and my voice is so low and my eyes are damp with big wet tears. But you then tell me you're tired.

And I cry even more.

Because now I know you don't love me anymore.

You leave me alone in the lounge, and head to your room.

And I feel it right then and there.

That my heart no longer beats.

I'm sad so you get a sad chapter. Sorry

Gloxinia//Phan OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now