
146 9 3

This oneshot includes a Mute Phil.


Phil Lester is beautiful.

Dan knew that, he told him every time he came in to the shop. The shop was big, two stories. Upstairs was where the art related objects were, down here there was some photography related things. Along with some reading books and old records. Phil would smile at Dan's compliments and buy old Polaroid cameras if Dan could ever find him any.

Phil always wore something with a cute plant on it. Today he came in with a white shirt with little cacti on the sleeves. He had on some black jeans that hugged his waist nicely and some white vans.

He complimented him again.

Phil smiled and remained silent like always.

Dan never heard Phil speak, the only reason why he knew his name was because he wrote it down on a notepad for an order request. Which Dan got him, it was a special camera he wanted, it took Dan months of sleepless nights and busy mornings just to find it for him. It was worth it though, because when Dan had gave it to Phil he saw the biggest smile he'd ever let out. His blue mixed eyes twinkled with stars, he looked so happy and Dan wanted to see that look more.

"Another Polaroid?" Dan asked.

Phil shook his head. It was then when Dan realized he had a black satchel with him. He reached in and took out a little book. It was white with little doodled flowers on the bottom.

He set it on the counter with a blush, he didn't look at him at all and then he ran out the store.

Dan opened the little book and read over the first page, which was a love confession. Dan blushed brightly and flipped through the book which was a set of various other letters and Polaroid pictures of Phil.

Dan hugged the book to his chest and giggled.


When Phil came in the next day, he avoided Dan the whole time. He wore his glasses, a baggy black jumper with the collar being white and having small pink flowers. His pants matched along with the color of his jumper and his shoes were white again.

Phil walked up to the counter with another small book similar to the one he'd given Dan and some colored pencils they had in the art section. Phil paid and Dan set them in a bag for him, before Dan gave him back his change he kissed his cheek. Phil squeaked and held his cheek, he was blushing and looking at Dan finally.

"I like you too."

Gloxinia//Phan OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora