Chapter Eight - Hey, Forget About It!

Start from the beginning

"I'm assuming you got your powers from the particle accelerator explosion as well," he said, breaking the silence that had formed over us.

"Yes, I did. Not sure why they're these powers specifically but all I know is that I've got them."

"Oh, I think that might be my friends," Barry muttered, as the headlights of the S.T.A.R. Labs van's headlights shone in the distance.

"I know who they are; you can say their names, dork," I scoffed.

"How do you know I'm a dork?" Barry asked in surprise, though, he wasn't expecting me to snort with laughter at him not being annoyed that I called him a dork.

"You hang around with lab rats all day."

"I won't tell Cisco that. He's always going on about you ever since he saw you levitate two guys in mid-air. It's all Miss Cosmic this and Miss Cosmic that, even though he doesn't even know who you are."

"Iris West doesn't know who you are, but she writes a whole blog about you. I should give her some Streaky Bacon recipes; I'm sure she'll like that," I replied, grinning at him.

"You're on there too, Cosmo."

"Great nickname, I'll be sure to add it to my collection." I snorted, rather ungracefully. "So, do you think you can get up yet?"

"Maybe," he said as he groaned in pain as he shuffled around, trying to put his hands on the floor to push himself up. I rolled my eyes from underneath my mask as I flicked my fingers, moving him upright without him having to move an inch himself.

"I forgot you could do that," he groaned, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah, yeah, sure thing, Speedy."

"Oh, thank God you're okay!" Caitlin said as she ran in with her first aid kit box.

"Miss Cosmic, always a pleasure," Cisco beamed, a tilted smirk on his face.

"Hi, Cisco," I chuckled, smiling at him.

"I think our friend owes you a big thank you, right, Bacon?" Cisco said, clapping a hand on Barry's shoulder.

"Not you as well," Barry groaned in pain in response to Cisco hitting his shoulder.

"Even I think it's a little funny," Caitlin piped up after giving Barry the once over. "I think you'll be all right, just a few cuts and bruises."

"I don't think Dr. Wells is too happy with you. After what he said about you running with your emotions and everything," Cisco warned.

"Running with your emotions," I repeated, laughing to myself while trying not to disturb the other's conversation. "If you guys don't mind, I'll be going since it's way past my bedtime."

"Thanks again, Cosmo," Barry said, giving me a half salute as I nodded.

"No problem, make sure you think about what I said," I replied.

"What did she say?" I heard Cisco whisper to Barry, a slight grin on his face.

"She told me to be sneakier."

"Sounds like good advice, if you ask me."

I flew off into the distance until I got about ten metres away from the warehouse and began to feel dizzy, my purple wisps were becoming fainter and fainter by the second as I felt myself crash into a fence.

"Ow ow ow!" My cape was caught in the top of the wire fence, leaving me hanging by my neck. I screamed out a string of profanities as I tried to use my energy to get me down, but failed. "Shit," I cursed, wriggling to try and pull my cape down manually.

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