Chapter 1 - Back To School Drama

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"Bethany wake the hell up" my sister screamed walking in to my room. it was the first day back at school after summer break. i groaned in response cuddling back under the pillows i heard her stifle a scream before pulling the covers off.

"bog of Care...annoying sister" i grumbled trying to get back to sleep

"Bethany Vanessa Forbes move your butt we'll be late for school" she grabbed my arm and dragged me off the bed i landed with a thud.

"Caroline!" i whined getting up

"fine I'm up" i stood up from my floor cursing at the damn older sister. i went and took a shower before blow drying my hair and putting it up in a bun then i pulled on black skinny jeans and a pink top, i jogged downstairs. Caroline was tapping her for and looking at her watch.

"Finally can we go now." i rolled my eyes going into the kitchen grabbing a bagel and putting coffee into my travel cup before getting my jacket and bag.

"okay Miss Drama let's leave." we got into her car and set off for my first day as a sophomore. we Care started the car i began to play NSync Never stop. i started singing while eating my bagel and drinking my coffee much to the dismay of my older sister.

"how can you stand them they're not even that talented" she scrunched up her face.

"Caroline you out fit matches you taste dreadful" she gasped and i smirked knowing i won. we pulled up outside of school and i went to find my best friend Jeremy. Jeremy lost his parents before the summer and had be down ever since. I'm his best friend and proberly the only one he doesn't flip out on, i think that is because i don't lecture or try to kiss his ass with everything that's happened. I'm there for him when he needs me apart from that I'm still the same Beth. can i tell you a secret, well I've had a crush on Jer since i can remember.

"Jer-Bear" i cheered jumping on his back he chuckled grabbing my thighs holding on to me.

"how is my druggie bestie doing" i cooed in his ear as he took us to our lockers. mine and his were right beside each other. he dropped me

"i wish you wouldn't call me that." he grumbled. i opened my locker and took off my jacket hanging it up.

"dude you deal and smoke drugs what else would i call you the Easter bunny." i grabbed my books and put them in my bag ready for the day's events. i went to the bathroom before going to stoner world aka Jer's new favourite hangout. where i saw he was talking with Tyler and Slutty Vicky, Jer made some comment and Tyler went to go at him.

"get lost Jock and Slut" i  stood beside Jeremy both glared.

"are you two deaf or really dumb" i seethe Tyler smirks

"you don't scare me Little Caroline" he teases, i smile before kicking him in the chin and twisting his arm around his back.

"don't underestimate me Tyler I'm not my sister, i can actually kick your ass and look good while doing it" i shoved him away taking my place beside my amused best friend. the two left.

"that was really good Beth but Vicky isn't a slut" i felt rage build up. of course he fancied Victoria bitchface Donavan. i shoved past  and headed into school. i was in first period English and sat down in my usual seat, Jeremy came in and sat down.

"wow actually turning up. alert the media" i mumbled he scoffed and pulled out his phone. the teacher came in and started talking about the purpose of feeling

"would anyone like to give me any kind of suffering." i put my hand up and Miss Scott smiled

"yes Bethany." she asked

"can i give two?" she nodded and i continued.

"well there is the loss of a loved one like a death of family or friend and then there is un requited love where you love someone but they don't love you that way back" i told her she smiled and nodded and wrote my examples on the bored

"very good Bethany anyone else" i felt a buzz in my pocket i got out my phone and looked at the text

from Jer-Bear To Beth

WTF was that bout

i rolled my eyes and pocketed my phone before listening to class. once the bell rang i was confuted my best friend.

"what is up with you Beth" he stopped me. i dragged him to a empty class room

"you. your my problem with your stalkers obsession with the Vicki. all she does is play with you and screw you over. you even let her de flower you i mean seriously you could have caught something. you even ditched me at the mention or sight of her several time over the summer. normally I'm not one to lecture you but seriously she's bad news. I'm your best friend not her. I'm the one who you come too for anything not her. so for one in this messed up mood of your treat me with some damn respect." i flip he stood there shocked, i left heading to my next class not expecting him to show up.

i get that he lost his parents i was there with him when he was told. over the summer we would hand out but if he had the chance to go with HER he would leaving me high and dry, then there are the time we plan to do something and he would be passed out or too high. we were still best friends and i fought about this rollercoaster he got on and kept something normal. but it was hard sometimes.


i went to the grill that after noon not talking to Jeremy well it's not like i couldn't find him, this crush that i have is heavy and well sometimes heart crushing. i sighed as i got my journal out yeah i k now its lame infact Jeremy sister Elena gave me the idea i feels like I'm talking to someone and it makes me feel better.

Dear Diary

the day started off with a fall Care literally pulled me out of my bed and to the floor...

i wrote everything that happened my thoughts that was when i saw Jeremy he was following Vicki trying to talk to her i shook my head and finished writing.

"were planning a June wedding" Caroline said

"wow Caroline stalking another 'hot guy' it's not even the second day. that's a new record." i tease she turns round.

"you wait little sister I'll show you them you'll see" i rolled my eyes and saw Tyler.

"what's up jackass" i take a stick.

"look Bethany i can't be bothered with you right now" i rolled my eyes.

"look all i want is to play nothing else so just shut up and break"  he sighed and we began playing Caroline came over in our fourth game and started talking about something or other i looked up and Elena walking in with a hot dude.

"wow" Care turned around and smiled

"i told you so" she giggled. i rolled my eyes and went back to playing. later on i was getting tired and i went to go but i remembered i forgot my keys so i went to Caroline and slapped my hands on her shoulders

"Care- Bear can i have your keys i forgot mine" i pouted she sighed and looked in her bag.

"Hey Beth you seen Jer" Elena asked me

"not since earlier he was trying and failing at talking to Ickkie Vicki." i scrunched up my face.

 Caroline handed me the keys.

"here. wait are you walking home." she asked

"yep can make it back in 15. who's the new dude" i asked going back to Elena's date.

"oh this is Stefan Salvatore. Stefan this is my little sister Bethany" he held out his hand. and i shook it getting this odd feeling.

"yeah nice to meet you. well by older weird people" i left walking home. as i walked to my hose it was dark but uneventful although i couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong with that Stefan dude. i sighed and walked up to my door unlocking it and going in 

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