Chapter 14

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Kehlani POV.

I was sitting in the living room texting myah.

Bestfriend💕~ you talk to zay today.
Me-nopee surprising right.
Bestfriend💕~dang y
Me~ iono brb
Bestfriend💕~ k

I heard my brother pull up. I looked out the window and saw him coming up to the door. I opened.

"Hey bro. You mind I use your car" I said stepping in front of him.

"Why for you can wreck it?" He said

"No, Im going over to zay house" I said.

"I guess don't be out long cuz I gotta talk to you about something" he said handing me the car keys. I walked out the house and got in the car and drove off. I pulled up at zay house. I got out and knocked on the door. His momma came to the door.

"Hey, how are you sweetie" she said smiling.

"I'm fine. Is zay here?" I asked.

"No he went over to his friend house" she said. She gave me his friend address.

"Thanks" I said walking back to the car and driving to zay friend house.

I pulled up and saw zay car. I got out and knocked on the door. A boy can to the door. He looked like he was high.

"Hey is zay here" I asked.

"Who you" he asked looking me up and down.

"I'm his girl" I said.

"Ohh shitt" he said looking behind him then back at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Look ima tell you just because I see you don't know. What you might see gone piss you off ma. Go down the hall and to the right." He said.

I walked in and smelt weed. I walked down the hall and went to the room on the right. I opened the door and saw zay and some girl. She was on top of him. I walked up to her and pulled her off him by her hair and threw her to the floor. I start whamming her ass. Zay pulled me off and slapped him.

"Get off me. You fucked up big time zay. I'm at home wondering are you ok and you here with this ugly ass rat face bitch. For real that's how you feel. I'm done with you." I said walking out.

"Bae please I didn't do nothing with her. I swear." He said grabbing my arm.

"Zay I really wanna believe you but I just don't know right now zay." I said as tears ran down my cheek.

"Excuse me". That ugly bitch said walking up to me.

"Bitch what you want" I said.

"Your man didn't do nothing with me. He was pushing me away. Then you walked in." She said walking away.

"Is that true zay" I said turning to zay.

"Yes, that's what I was trying to tell you." He said.

"Oh, well let's go now." I said walking out the door. Zay got his keys came walking behind me. I got in the car and he got in his. I went home and he went home.

I got out and went in the house. I put my brother keys on the kitchen counter and went upstairs. I got out my clothes and took a shower. I got out and put on some shorts. And a T-shirt. I laid on my bed and started texting zay.

Baee😘~chilling wbu
Me~ me too. Can't wait till tomorrow😊
Baee😘~i can't wait either. I got something special for you.
Me~awww. I wonder what it is.
Baee😘~ you'll see tomorrow beautiful.💜
Me~ ok ttyl

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