Ambrosia Pax

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Name: Ambrosia Fawn Pax

Age: 17

Height: 5'5"

Looks: Honey amber very curly hair up to her waist with a few red and blue strands here and there, dazzling electric blue eyes, pale skin, light brown freckles dusted over her cheeks nose and a bit under her eyes, red tank top, icy blue hoodie with kitty ears on the actual hoodie itself, navy blue jeans, maroon converse, autobot birthmark on her left shoulder on her back.

Personality: sweet, fun, creative, energetic, happy, joyful, spunky, kind, lovable.

Likes: Candy, food, her family, her friends, her best friend (which is a hybrid of a wolf/ german shephard/ human cuz he can talk/ and robot and his name is artemus.), wearing hat hair clips.

Dislikes: Showing her angry side, crying in front of others, her family getting hurt, people threatening her family.

Bio: Amy as she is called by her family, is a spunky young girl who has a head full of hair. Her father is optimus prime, but she has always seen him as a father figure, though he is actually her biological father. Her mother left her in the care of the autobots and decepticons. Truth is, the war has been over since amy was given to the autobots, but they keep the act so the humans don't see them as big softies all the time. Especially with megatron.

I will try and post a picture of ambrosia and artemus soon. Love y'all!

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