But then my brain decides to work again and I hug her back.

"He's gone!" She wails, making me rub her back.

"Shh... Jessie. We are right here." I whisper.

I hadn't ever expected that Jessie could bawl her eyes out.

But under the circumstances, I believe its a pretty good cause.

We sit there for a while, just letting Jessie cry, until coughing erupts from her, making her pull away from me.

She leans her head on my shoulder.

"Are you okay?" I ask cautiously, even though I know the answer is no.

She breathes heavily.

"I need to go help them." She whispers, look out at all the people.

I help her to her feet, supporting her.

"Jessie, I hate to tell you that you need to help yourself for once." I state.

Her eyes look up at me in a way the breaks my heart a thousand times over.

"I need to do this Petra." She states firmly.

With a nod I help her towards the storm, the others staying behind to help the people coming towards them.

Together we lift a tentacle off a man stuck beneath it.

"If you keep going that way our friends will help you." Jessie says, making the man nods his thanks.

We keep going, helping anyone on the way, until we stop dead.

"No! The Formidibomb was supposed to destroy it! But there isn't even a scratch!" She cries, making me gape.

Not even a dent.

"How isn't it broken?" I wonder.

Before she can even try to answer, the commamdblock activates, and pulls her forward.

"Petra!" She screams, making me jump.

I grip onto her foot, trying to drag her down.

But her boot slips off, making me fall hard onto the ground.

"Help!" She yelps.

In the blink of an eye someone else has pulled Jessie down.

She gasps.

"Gabriel? We all thought you were dead!" I gasp, making him look over to us.

"Who's Gabriel?" He asks, staring at us with pink eyes.

Jessie and I share a look.

Then, a growl sounds through the air.

Then two more.

"Now there are three of them?!" Jessie cries, making my eyes widen.

We only made it worse.

"We need to get out of here!" I shout, taking Jessie and Gabriel by the hand, dragging them away.

But we don't get far when Jessie falls, coughing violently.

Gabriel yanks his hand away from me.

"Who are you? And who's Gabriel?" He asks.

I can't deal with this right now.

"Look. She's really sick, and I can't carry her by myself. Please, help me get her to safety." I beg, making Gabriel stare at Jessie, who is recoiling as she coughs.

When She Went To ThemWhere stories live. Discover now