The Two

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I grab Georges hand and he lifts me to my feet. The sun has started to set. I run over to Grant. He is out cold. I hold my gun. I press my ear piece.

"Clark, how hot is Josh getting?" I ask.

"Too hot. You need to get out before he blows." He says.

"No, look at the signs. What is he preparing for." I had a suspicion before about what he might do.

"He is going to nuke the city." He says.

Grant wakes up with a jult. I hold him up and he grunts in pain. I help him to his feet. Cameron stands to my left. The night is creeping up on us. I don't want to know what my mother meant earlier today.

"Where is Josh?" I ask.

"He ran." George says. I run towards Peter, who is currently the dragon. I jump on his back and Grant follows.

"We have to find him! He wants to nuke the city!" I yell to them.

George grabs Cameron and run to find him. We take into the air. Peter takes control and shoots down into the streets. I see Josh. I jump off and knock him on his back. I hold my gun to his forehead. He laughs.

"This again." He says maniacally. People around us screaming from th threat of my gun. "You don't have the guts to do it." I laugh.

"People change." I say. I pull the trigfer as he shoved the gun aaway from his head. He holds the gun in place. I pull out the knife from the agents and slash it towards him. He stops it and we stay at a stalemate. He flames his hands and I electrify mine. They mix and we start to burn each other. I shove him away and look at my hands. No burns. I'm thankful after seein my mother's damage. I reach for my paton but I lost it back at the cross roads. The tall buidings surround us. He laughs. Peter and Grant stand next to me. He hands me a gun. George and Cameron appear. Josh looks to Cameron.

"This should be fun." He says. I shoot my gun at him. He dodges. I charge forward. I flips me and slams me on my back. My head hits the same place it did before. My vision blurs. I look and see Grant and George takin him on. He isn't even trying. I see his motive. He is moving towards one person. Cameron. All noises have gone.

"Cameron run!" I yell at the top of my lungs. She looks confused. Josh shoots fire at her.

It strikes her shoulder. She falls. She starts to rise. I can see her eyes. Bright purple. She faded. She screams and burst id energy emerges from her. She holds up Josh and throws him into a building. She turns to us. Paul appears and grabs me. She screams and I grab Grant. We get taken to the top of a building he believed was far enough away. George tries to approch her, but she expels mass amounts of enegy. I pull out my gun. George runs onto the roof.

"We have to stop her." George says.

"How do we? We don't have the shot." Grant says.

At least we know how to get you in." Charles says.

I look at Cameron shoot in out the enegy. She looks like she is pain. This isn't her choice. She is being over whelmed.

"We have to get in there." I say.

Charles walks forward. He grabs me and Grant. George walk into our circle. Charles looks at me.

"If anyone is going to talk get down it's me." He says.

Charles nods. We go into the shadows. I can see the same thing I always do. Grant leavin in a ball of fire. Was it fire? I see Cameron above us. Grant pulls us up, holdin of the energy. The field of energy is as big as baseball stadium. He pushed against her rage. We start to slide back. Grant pushes forwad, yelling as he does. We get close, but not close enough. George walks to the front with Grant. He walks past him. Normally. No resistance. She is letting him through.

We follow behind him so we have less existence and eventually make it to Cameron. He walks up to her. We can hear what they say, but barely.

"I can't stop it George." She says, scared. I can see the tears streaking down her face.

"You have to try!" He yells. She shakes her head. Shevlooks at him with pleadin eyes. I can see the strain on Grant to fight the energy. I look to George.

"Please end this." She says. He shakes his head.

"No! I can't!" He yells, tears now streaming from his face.

"Please! It hurts! I can't hold it back any longer!" She screams. He pulls out his knife. I gasp at the plan they have created.

"I love you!" I yells. Cameron lets out a wimper from her tears.

"I love you too!" She yells to get husband. George screams and stabs the knife into her abdoman. The energy stops its flow and Cameron falls into Georges arms. She holds his cheek in her hand. "Thankyou." She says.

"Please don't leave!" He yells. He holder her hand up. You can see it go limp. She has left us. He bawls over her body. I breath heavily from trying to get to Cameron in th first place. I look to Grant. He kisses me. I back away with a smile. I walk up to George.

"George in so sorry..." I say, and as I do, he holds up a gun to his head. Pulling the trigger.

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