Right Or Wrong

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I burst open the door to the meeting room Andrew, Grant, Paul and Charles are discusing what to do with Matt. They all turn to me bewildered as to why I am creating the comotion. Grant looks at me knowing what I am about to say.

"We have to help him." I say. Amdrew gives a look like I am a child disobeying the rules.

"Why would we do that?" He asks me. I give him a disgusted look.

"Because we aren't assholes like Josh is." I say. Andrew holds his ground. "Ok, let me rephrase that. We will help him find his family." Andrew stares at me.

"I bet you want him to join us now as well." He says.

"Yes, in fact, I do. He was forced to do what he did. We can't blame him for Josh having his family. Let him have a second chance." I say. Grant looks at me with a smile, while Paul has a look almost cursing the idea.

"Ok, but he will be under your watch. One mess up, and you are both gone. Got it?" Andrew says to me.

"Perfectly." I say. I walk out the door and enter the cell block. I walk down the extensive hallway finally makeing it to Matt's call. I grab the keys and open his door. He looks at me with hope and I return that with a smile.

"Will you help my family?" He asks. I walk over and in cuff his hands from the chair.

"We will, and welcome to the Elite." I tell him handing the same leather patch I got about a week ago. He looks at it in amazment and then to me. He is a good six inches taller than me. He hugs me and I return the hug. I guide him out of the room and to our hanger. He marvels at the massive room. A plane starts to fly towards the hanger.

"Is that one of yours?" He asks me. I see it and no one has left since we got back. I got to my ear piece.

"Paul, we have an emergency!" I yell into the piece. I run towards the edge. I see the plane. I spark my hands.

I get ready to cut its engines, but Matt jumps out to it and rips the cock pit off. Paul arrives grabbing Matt and the plane. The now burning plane skids into the hanger. Grant stops it and Mark puts out the fire. Matt drags the pilot out of the wreckage. Andrew walks forward. He steps on the pilots chest and points a gun to his head.

"Who do you work for?!" He screams at the pilot. His nose is leaking blood and he can't repond. He cocks the gun. "Who?!" He yells. He gets ready to pull the trigger. I shoot electricity at his hand, making him miss his shot. He looks at me with firey rage. He walks over to me.

"We don't need to kill." I say as he walks up to me. He grabs the colar of my shirt and pushed me towards the edge of the of the platform. I shake his grip before we get to be edge. We stand out side as the wind blows to my left.

"No we don't. But that wasn't your call to make! You were not the one pulling the trigger!" He yells at me.

"But that doesn't make it any more justified!" I yell back. He look at me win anger.

"Don't pull that again." He says to me, turning to walk back into the large building.

Grant walks up to me and hugs me. I squeeze him back. We have only known each other for a short amount of time, but I feel closer to him than I ever have with anyone before. I lean my head on his chest and close my eyes. All I hear is the wind and the card from the street bellow. I listen. Then, a gun shot.

I shoot my head up looking towards the hanger. I see Andrew with his gun out over the body of the pilot. I scream. I walk towards him, crying. My hands sparked. He pulls out his sword and starts to approach me. I yell and he starts to run at me. I start to run as well. I am close so I shoot the elctricity, but it disapates in a wall Cameron has created. I look at her.

"Let me go!" I yell, tears running down my face.

"Us fighting isn't the way to keep everyone else safe." She says, holding the wall between us. "Lets forget this all happened. We have bigger problems at hand." She looks at me and Andrew. He drops his blade. I disapate my electricity. She drops the wall. I look at Andrew.

"This isn't over." I say, walking past him. I walk into the hallway and make it to an elivator. Grant catches up to me and rubs my back. I turn to him.

"Don't let him get to you." He says. The door opens. I pull out my phone. Grant grabs my hand. I look at him. He knows what I intend to do. "Are you sure you want to start this?"

"Only if you will help me." I say. He gives me a gental smile. The doors close. I press for the ground floor.

"Of course." He says. I grab his hand. I dail the number. It rings. I wait for the answer. Then, the ring stops.

"George, we're in." I say. The elevator door opens. I see him standing there with a grin on his face.

"Lets get started." He says as we step out of he elevator. We have chosen our side. We have joined another war.

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