Flames Of Hell

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We arrive in the bridge with an explosion of a car to my right. I roll to dodge the explosion. A firey turrent shoots into the air in front of us. George arrived and had brought Mark and Clark with him. I twirl my staff to its full length ready for a fight. Grant, Andrew, Paul, George, Mark, Clark, and me stand in a line, blocking the interstate. The fire turrent fades to show a single man in its wake. Grant and Andrew charge forward. We all follow behind them.

Andrew jumps, carried by Grant, towards the man I have learned to be Josh. Andrew forms a shield and blocks the large amount of fire being shot towards him. He sees us and shoots fire out way. I slide on the ground, behind a car. I shorten the staff and pull out my gun. I hold it up over the top of the car. The wind is blowing to my left, causing my hair to blow in my face. I see Josh holding Andrew in the air. I fire a shot. I got his shoulder, causing him to drop Andrew back to the ground. Charles appears next to me.

"Hold on." He tells me. I grab his shoulder as he grabs mine. We fade into the shadows. I see Grant screaming pain. He looks at me with fear. He then explodes. I see Josh and jump out of the shadows. I feel the pull of the shadows pull on me. I twirl my staff out and he laughs. He has a hood and a bandanna hiding his face.

"You're new." He says with a sadistic grin. I spark my hands. "That's defiantly new." I charge him. He blocks the staff with his forearms. I spark it and he yells from the shock. He creates fire covering his arms. Charles grabs me and puts me at a safe distance. I appear a fair distance away from him. It's almost like the cars were made to make a path way for us. I run, jumping of the cars. I jump on his shoulders. I spin and knock him to the ground. I sit I his chest. His face now exposed. I place my gun to his forhead.

"Definitely new." I say and he laughs. His brown hair and red eyes look up at me.

"I hate new players." He says. His flamed hand grabs my leg. I scream out in pain. I turn and shot his hand Paul grabs me and gets me away from him.

"The heat signature is off the charts! We need to go!" Clark yells at us. Paul grabs me and takes me back to the base.

I stand up and limp to our outside helicopter pad. I can see the bridge from here. A large explosion consumes the bridge and the buildings below. I gasp in horror as parts of the bridge fall, along with those on the bridge. I scream at the explosion site. I had a shot. I could have ended him. That never had to happen.

"Ricky!" I hear behind me. I turn to see Grant. "Are you ok?" He asks me. I start to cry.

"I could have taken the shot. Those people didn't need to die." I mumble. He picks me up and walks me to our infirmary in the base.

They place me on a bed. Hank, our doctor, runs over and cuts my pant leg off. I see the blisterin on my leg from the burn. He takes a gel and runs it on my leg. I scream out in pain. I grab Grant's hand. I draw blood with my short nails. He doesn't say anything about it. Hank wraps my leg and gives me a mild sedative. I am sweating and out of breath. I look at Grant.

"I could have taken it. I could have killed him." I say out of breath.

"You didn't need to." He says., cupping my cheek. Charles burst into the room.

"Meeting. Now." He says and walks out.

"Wait here." Grant says but I grab his hand.

"No I'm going." I say, starting to sit up. "Don't tell me no. You know it won't work." I tell him. He grabs me and lifts me off he bed. He carries into the meeting room. Everyone is in the room. Charles, Andrew, George, Cameron, Mark, Clark, Paul, Nadia, Peter, Dan, Grant and me. Grant sets me down in a chair.

"What the hell happened back there?" Charles asks me.

"He was too powerful." Grant says. Charles slams the table.

"I wasn't asking you!" He yells, not taking eye contact off of me.

"I had the shot, I didn't take it. I've seen enough death in he last month than I've ever wanted to see." I say.

"That doesn mean you shouldn't have taken that shot!" He yells. Grant stands.

"He grabbed her leg!" He yells.

"And shooting him right between the eyes would have ended that just as quick! We need to end him before he gets too out of hand." He says now to all of us.

"That wouldn't have worked." Clark says in my defence. "He was building up too much energy. If she shot him, the explosion would have been ten times worse than that one. He only gave us a taste."

"And that shows he needs to put down before the city and, frankly, the country are put in danger." Charles says.

"Safety doesn't work if we all aren't on the same page." Andrew says. " That's what went wrong. So the plan is to kill Josh, but only if it is safe to do so." He say. "Agreed?" He asks everyone.

"Agreed." I say and everyone else follows after, including Charles.

"Good. I will notify the governor. Josh has declared war against the Meta Elite." He says "San Francisco is now a war zone. And we are its soldiers."

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