The End Of A Normal Life

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I stare out the window of my apartment. The sky is still dark but the sun is starting to rise over the horizons. The room is empty as we just got back from the woods a week ago. I hold my paton in my right hand and I have a gun holstered to my belt. My hands hold my weapon with an iron grip. I feel as if anything could attack me at any moment. I blink and the image of Adam still haunts me. I don't think it will ever go away. I hear the door open. I place my hand on my gun. Grant walks in the door. I move my hand away from the weapon. I walk up to him and he does the same, making us meet in the middle. He kisses me and I look at him.

"You ready for work?" He asks me.

"Is it really work for you?" I ask back. He laughs. "How's is little Grant doing?" I ask him.

"No problems yet. No sign of powers yet either, but those won't show until later in his life." He says. We are now walking through the hall towards he elevator.

I press the button to hail the elivator. The doors open almost immediatly and we go to the ground floor. We exit the elivator and walk out the front door to the streets of San Francisco. We stand on the side walk looking up at the skies. Grant looks worried.

"He usually isn't this late." He says. I start to worry. The large dragon appears over the building falling towards us, with no sign of stopping. The dragon shifts back to Peter, who is currently in a free fall.

Grant jumps and kicks of the window of the apartment building, shettering the glass. He catches Peter and lands safely in the street. The cars swerve around us. I start to walk in the street. One car contines to drive forward. I shoot electricity at the car, just enough to stop the car from moving. It swerves, but stops at a safe distance. I make it to Peter and Grant. Peter is now awake but deeply beaten. Blood trickles from his forhead and mouth.

"Peter what happened?" I ask him. He coughs.

"Watch out for the worm." He whispers.

"Worm?" I ask and crashing happens over head. A large worm shoots through a building and crashes on to the street. "Ok, that worm." I say. I turn to Grant. "Call Paul and George. We need to get these people out of here." I say. He calls and I look at the worm. He rawrs bearing teeth. Hudreds of teeth.

Another dragon appears over head. Andrew falls from it and crashes on the ground next to me. He holds his large blade and walks up next to me. He looks at the worm with the same shock we all have.

"Good to see you Ricky." He says.

"What is this thing?" I ask him.

"I have no idea. If it's a Meta, that's just messed up." He says. I spin my paton to extend the weapon. Dan flies low and I jump on his back. He flies high in the air over the large creature.

I spark my weapon and fall off the dragon. I fall, feeling Grant help me out so I don't get hurt. I stab the staff into the back of the creature. The electricity courses through it. It wails out in pain. It starts to squirm around. I run and jump off the creature, through the window of a nearby building. It smashes into the building, below where I am standing. I shoot electricity and they seems to only make it angrier. It rawrs and starts to shrink. It turns into a normal sizes human. Dan flies by the open window. I jump out and he drops me on the open street, shifting back to a human and running to Peter. I walk to the Meta.

"Who are you?" I ask him. Holding my gun. He is lying on the ground, hold his stomach, his mouth and eyes bleeding.

"We are the end." He says. A gun shot goes off. A bullet goes through his forhead. I look around, not having shot him. I see no one around. I look to Grant. He is just as confused as me. Paul appears and walk to us.

"Everyone made it out safely." He informs us.

"Good." Andrew says to him. "Can you grab him and take him to the government morgue to be looked at?" He asks. He nods and grabs him. He leaves and appears in seconds. He grabs us and we leave for to our base.

We arrive in an air force hanger filled with plane at our disposal. I press a button on the staff and it collapses back into its original state. I go to the computer that logs our incounters. I have only had one other mission involving a Meta so far with the Elite. I holster my gun and write down the incounter with the shapeshifting Meta. Grant comes over and places his hand on my shoulder. I look at him.

"You ok?" He asks me. I give a look.

"Ya, of course why do you ask?" I ask him.

"It's only been a week since we got back from he woods. That's not much time considering what happened to us out there." He says. I start to walk towards out meeting room.

"I know that, but honestly I feel fine." I yell him.

"Charles is back!" I hear Clark yell to me, running from the doors. I run into the room and Charles is waiting for us there.

"What did you find?" Grant asks him.

"Nothing. Either Josh isn't in the city or he is very good at hiding." He informs us.

"He wouldn't leave. He knows we are here and that's his goal." Grant says.

"How do you know that?" I ask.

"He has tried before." He tells me.

"Then how do we find him? Track hear signatures?" I suggest.

"There's no need." Clark says looking at his phone. "He's on interstate eighty, above Rincon point." He tells us.

"That's right next to the water." I say, now knowing the area well.

"It's his funeral." Grant says. "Have George meet us there." He turns to me. "Lets go." We walk out the door and Andrew meets us out side the door.

"You found him?" He asks.

"No he showed himslelf." Grant tells him. "This is odd, even for Josh."

"He want to make a statement right?" I say. "Then why not make it where people are going in and out of the city, get the news involved."

"I think of someone started throwing fire around in any public area, the news would get involved." Andrew says. "This is different."

"Then let's go find out." I say. Paul arrives and take Andrew, Grant, and me to the bridge.

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