Temperatures Rise

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My face is splattered with blood and all I can hear is ringing in my ears. I turn towards Grant. He grabs me and pulls me close to him, not caring if the blood smears. I can hardly breath. I look at my father's lifeless body. Where did that shot come from? What if they were aiming for me? My breathing becomes faster and faster. I start to scream. I can't hear it but I feel the vibration in my throat. The ringing subsides and I can hear the scream. I starts to slump to the ground but Grant holds me up.

"Get her out of here!" My mother tells pointing to Paul. He grabs both of us and puts us in the hanger. I fall to the floor. I roll on to my back. Grant picks me up with both arms and carries me towards the cell block. He goes to the first open cell and placed me on the bed. Tears stream from my face. He kneels down and kisses my face. I look at him and he smiles. I look away. I can't look at him knowing this secret. We can't bring a baby into this. How would he take a pregnancy? He grabs my hand. I grip it tight. George stops him self with a skid in front of the cell.

"What happened?!" He yells. Grant lets go of my handand walks towards him. He grabs his shirt and drags him away. I stand and follow them.

"We want out of this!" Grant yells, having George picked up by his shirt collar.

"Put him down!" I scream. I walk over and shock his arm, making him let go. George drops to the ground and gets behind me. "It wasn't his fault!" I yell to him. "And I'm not out of it!" I say turning to George, now standing between them. I turn back to Grant. He is breathing heavily. "This is what he wants. Us to fall apart. Don't let him win." I say. I feel George tug at my jacket. He rips off a small metal fragment. A red light blinks at the top.

"What is that?" Grant asks him. George looks at me.

"It's a transponder. It's signalling your every move." He says. I was how Josh knew our every move. I was the mole. We stand in silence. This would give Andrew a reason to exile is from the Elite. George closed his hand around the transponder, and crushes it.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Ensuring your safety. Andrew would have you out in a flash if he knew this. It doesn't matter who had it. Josh can't track you any more." He says. I look at Grant. He nods his head.

"What do we do next?" I ask.

"Continue as you were. You were gaining their trust. We need them to turn on him." George says.

I hold my paton. Grant has his bat in his right hand. I can see his iron grip on it. George holds his fist right. They loosen their grip. I put my paton away.

"We need to go debrief. We don't want to look suspicious." I say. I walk towards the hanger. I open the door and walk into the large room. Andrew, Paul, Clark, Charles, and Mark are at the computers. I walk over to them. "What are you doing?" I ask them.

"We picked up a small signal while fighting. It went inert a few minutes ago, but I think we can track it." Andrew says. My palms start to sweat.

I look to George. He looks towards the computer. He gets ready to run at the computer when we hear a scream from the other side of the hanger. By the way George looked towards it, he knew it was Cameron. He runs and immediatly gets thrown into the air. He crashes into the computer, stopping the scan and knocking Andrew on his ass.

I see Cameron in the air, her powerful energy flowing around her. George wasn't fast enough to break through there. I turn to Paul.

"Do you have anything to go against this?" I ask him.

"Only Georges speed and that didn't work!" He yells, fearing the dangerous possibilities.

"You never tried going under it." Charles says. I walk over and he grabs me.

"Wait!" Andrew yells. He hands me shot. "It will knock her out and stop the energy flow." He tells us. Charles grabs me and we fade into the shadows.

We can see the hanger above us. We get under her. Charles throws me out and I get shot out of the energy field. I slide towards the now broken computer. I lean up and see Cameron. She had her hands held out and letting the energy flow. I rise to my feet. Grant tries to grab the shot. I yank it away from him. The energy starts to move the air around us creating wind.

"I've got this! I don't need help!" I yell. He grabs my shoulders.

"Your wrong! Sometimes you need someone else to do your best!" He yells. Charles walks towards us. He grabs us. I grab Grant's hand. We fade into the shadows.

We head for Cameron. We get under her. Charles expelles us and Grant holds a field around us. I reach out and inject the shot into her back. She shoots out another pulse and let's the energy flow stop. We slowly fall with the help of Grant. He holds Cameron up as well. He sets her on the ground. George runs over and picks her up. To make sure he doesn't hurt her, he walks normally towards the infirmary. I kneel on the ground.

I can't breath. Her blast hit my currently healing rib. It should have healed but my healing isn't perfect. He gasp for air. Grant comes over and kneels next to me.

"Are you ok?" He says. I look over and see his warm eyes. I smile. I kiss him. I pull away and stand. He stands holding my back. I grab his shoulder.

"I'm great." I say looking at the floor, finally answering him. I walk forward, getting away from his help. I look up and my mother stands there next to the destroyed computer. She looks startled. I walk up to her.

"Mom?"I say, motioning towards her. "Are you..." I start but the moment I touch her she grabs my hand and pulls me close.

"The two will not survive the night." She whispers in my ear. She collapses.

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