A Continuing War

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I can hear the sirens of trucks at the explosion site. I stand on the balcony looking out on the city, the wind blow in on my face. My leg is bandaged and already starting to feel better. I think Hank have me some of Clarks blood. The air is brisk and the sun is now high through the sky. I feel hands wrap around the front of my body from behind.

"Hi." I hear Grant whisper is calm voice. I lean into his chest. I breath out a heavy sigh.

"I should have taken that shot " I say to him. He rocks me back and forth. My foot doesn't seem to be bothered by the motions.

"You didn't need to kill him. It's not who you are." He says. I push back, letting him hold me but I can now look in his eyes.

"I killed just about a week ago. We both did. We have killed. Why couldn't I do that again?" I say. He kisses my forhead.

"Because you aren't that kind of person." He says. I hug his body. He squeezed me back. His left hand is bandaged from my iron grip. I grab it. "It's ok." He says, almost predicting my apology. I smile at him.

"Guys, we've got a class three attack! If your going, let's go!" Andrew yells to us. We run back inside. I check my gun for bullets as we run. We reach them and we are all going on this one, even Cameron. She has been staying back to care for the baby.

"We have a class three attack of a strength Meta. He is robbing the bank of San Francisco on Market street." Clark informs us. "You need to leave now." He says. I pull out my paton. Charles grabs me and Grant. We fade into the darkness.

Again, I see Grant screaming in pain. The solar energy is emiting from his body. He explodes and dissapears from sight. I look at Grant. His hands are starting to glow. I push on Charles but he is focused on traveling. I spark my hands and we exit the path of travel. Grant rolls on the ground. I grab my ear piece and put it in. I notice we arrived at the right destination.

"We have trouble on Market street!" I hesistate. Should I tell them? I look to Charles. He looks at me like I'm crazy for not talking. "Grant is shooting out some form I energy! We need back up!" I yell. The class three Meta comes flying from the bank. I shoot his knee cap and he crumbles to the ground. Charles gets up to go get him. Paul brings Cameron, George, and Andrew. Dan starts to fly over head. Grants hands are glowing brighter and brighter with energy.

"Stay back!" He yells, holding out his energy infused hands. "I don't want you to get hurt." He says looking at me.

I walk forward. Andrew tries to grab me but I shake his grip. I walk up to Grant. He is sweating from what might happen. He has his hand held out. I put mine up and place it front of his. I place my hand on his, palm to palm. The energy fades away and I grab his hand. Andrew walks forward and pulls me back.

"What the hell is that?" He asks him. Pushing me away from him. Charles grabs me and holds me away from Grant.

"It's solar energy. We have no idea were it comes from." He says.

"We?" Andrew questions. Grant looks at me.

"It's time they knew." I say.

"Me, Ricky, and Clark found out back in the wood about a week ago." He says, turning to Paul. "We had larger problems in hat moment. We didn't need to focus on this." He says, rationalizing the decision. I push Charles off of me. I walk up to Grant and grab his hand.

"It's dangerous, but we are about controlling our powers. We will figure this out. Right?" I say to Andrew. He has a hatefull look towards Grant.

"Yes. We will figure this out." He says, still staring at Grant. "Let get him back to the base and file this away." He says turning to the other subject at hand. "Charles will interigate him to see what he knows about Josh, if anything." Charles walks away from us and we are left in the street. Andrew starts to look away but turns back to us. "Don't keep anything secret like that again." He turns and jumps on Dan's back. They take off into the air.

Paul grabs us and we go back to the base. We go into the meeting room. No one is in there while Grant starts to throw a fit. He starts throwing thing in the room and making things fly every where.

"It wasn't his call to make! We had a bigger problem!" He starts screaming.

"I know, but we needed to tell them so they can protect themselves against it." I say. I trows a knife and it stick into the wall.

"That doesn't mean he treats is like children!" He continues to scream. I walk up to him and grab him arms. He tries I move but I hold him in place. He looks a me with anger in his eyes. I return them with carring ones. His anger fades seeing mine. He hugs me and I squeeze his body. His breathing is heavy and I can hear is heart beat. I close my eyes and let the only thin I hear be his heart. I feel like I need to do this every so often, just in case something happens out there with our job. I pull back.

"He wants power over us, don't let him have it." I say. He smiles. The door opens and I reflex to my gun. I pull it out and have it in my right hand. It's George.

"What the hell is going on? I heard yelling and crashing." He asks.

"I was calming him down from the shock of what happened with the energy." I answer for Grant, knowing George is Andrew's good friend.

"Ok. Whatever that was, we will figure it out." He says looking at Grant. He closes the door behind him and locks it. I hold my gun tighter. "So, how are we stopping him from having the power?" He asks. He heard us.

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