Tainted Love

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I stare in to the eyes of my previously dead mother. She looks in mine. She gives me a look of sympathy. I return with anger. The man pressed the gun harder against her head. I hold the baby. My abdoman hurts. I sweat more and more. I start to put the baby down. He points the gun at me.

"Let me put the child down. She doesn't need to get hurt." I say.

"Shut the hell up!" He screams. My mother grabs the gun and flips him over her shoulder, twisting his arm. He yells out in pain, the gun falling to the floor.

"Don't curse in front of my daughter." She says to the man. I grab the child. I walk out of the room. "Rachel!"

"It's Ricky!" I yell back. I walk down the stairs and out the front door. Matt runs up to me and grabs his child. He tries to stop me. "You're a liar! She is liar!" I yell pointing to my mother, now walking out with the last kidnapper. I stare at my mother. "Why didn't you tell me?!" I scream at her, my eyes starting I water.

"It was to get away from your father..." she starts.

"So you leave me with him!?" I tell, cutting her off. "Did you know what I was!?" I ask. She drops her head. A tear escapes my eye. "Answer me!" I yell.

"You don't get to talk to me like that." She says.

"And you don't tell me what I can and can't do! We had a funeral!" I yell. We stare at each other in silence. "Did you know I was a Meta!?" I ask.

"Yes!" She answers almost immediatly. "You showed it early. I hid it from your father, who never really liked the idea of powered individuals." She says.

"Are you?" I ask. She looks me in the eyes. Her look almost gives me the answer. "What is it?" I ask.

"I can see the probability of a situation." She says.

"So that's how you took that guy out in there?" I ask, not really caring.

"Yes." She says starting to walk towards me. "I only did it because I loved you." She says reachin out her hand for my face. I smack her hand away.

"No! You did this for yourself. You had a child right after you left! How long have you been seeing him!?" I yell.

"While I was with your father." She says, hanging her head.

"You tore my life apart. Don't expect any sympathy from me any time soon." I say. I turn. I turn back. "By the way that's your son too." I say pointing to Clark. I turn and walk towards Paul. "Take me back." He grabs my shoulder and does as I say.

He puts me in the meeting room. He disappears again to go get the others. I scream and throw the table against the wall. My hands charged with electricity and my hair in front of my face. Grant rushes in. He looks at me. I look at him. I discharge my electricity. I walk towards him. His hands start to glow.

"Run!" He yells to me. I run out the door and into the hanger. An explosion erupts from the meeting room, shattering the large window looking out into the hanger. I have been thrown to the ground.

I push my self to my feet and look towards the room. The fire alarm goes off and the over head sprinklers rain on my head. starting to soak my cloths. I run into the room. I look around for Grant. I don't see him. There is so much smoke. I see a figure as the smoke starts to disperse. I go to it and see Grant, now with no shirt and his pants still on fire, unconscious on the ground. I put the fire out and start to lift him up. He is too heavy for me to lift.

"Help!" I scream. No one comes. "Help me! Please!" I yell, trying again.

George enters the room. He grabs one of Grant's arms and slings him over his shoulder. He carries him to to the infirmary. We place him on a bed. Grant moans in pain. I see his leg badly burned. I look at George. What the hell is this? I grab a shot of Clarks blood and inject it into his upper leg. The burn is so bad, we will still need to bandage it. His eyes open.

"Ricky!" I yells. I grab his hand sit next to his bed. George continues to stop the burn from bleeding. Grant is breathing heavily.

"I'm right here. I'm with you." I say. Tears coursing down my face. I though I had lost him. I drop my head, resting my forehead on his hand. He reaches his other hand over pushes my head up.

"In fine. You'll never lose me." He says with a smile. I start to sweat more. Andrew and my mother enter the room. I look at my mother.

"Get out." I growl. She starts to back up. "Get out!" I bark at her. She exits the room and Andrew comes further in. He looks at Grant's wound.

"How did this happen?" He asks me.

"It was the solar energy. He just exploded." I say. He stands and looks at me.

"We have to figure out the root of this energy. Before it gets too out of hand." He says.

"We will." I say standing. My head feels light and everything gets blurry. I look at Grant trying to say his name. But, I fall.

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