New Teams

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Natsu has just come back from his one year journey and lighted a new light on Lucy after they combined the guild again and found their master. They started going on jobs.


It was quite a long day. I am exhausted. Mira the she devil outdid herself this time.

I don't know why but master disbanded all the teams inside Fairytail and made Cana and Mira make groups suitable for us to be teamed.

All the partners were said to be suitable for each other and also their magic suits each other and covers their weakness. Lucky for Erza though she was so happy.


I had returned from a job having to slay an S class job. Natsu did all the job himself though it was my job to pay for their hotel bills.

When we came back to the guild exhausted we found out Team Natsu was no more. I felt quite sad as Natsu was my best friend or more than that.

Then I found out the she devil will be pairing us along with Cana. It gave me hope. I saw Erza happy so I went near her and asked her "What happened over here Erza? You look very pleased and happy by what is happening here"

"Oh Lucy? How was your job?"

"Erza-san don't change the topic" said Wendy. "Well you see Lucy and Wendy, I am not trying to lie or change the topic here but it's just that Master decided to join Crime sorciere into Fairytail and I am just glad I get to meet all of them again"

"Oh Wow! That's great Erza" were the words I ended up saying but its true Mest successfully passed in conquering the council, all the things related to the Tower of heaven, Oracion Seis or The things that happened to Ultear and Meredy were removed from the councils memories.

I went to see Natsu and Gray fighting with each other. That certainly irritated me at first then again I am used to it already.

"Now, now everyone settle down" master said and everyone were in there places thought Natsu whispered to me "Don't worry Lucy, I am sure we will end up in the same group again" that made me blush like mad but then again he was so confident and happy flashing his usual grin I can't help but smile back and have hope merging inside me.

I quickly looked up as Mira started announcing the pairs.

"Listen up everyone each group will have two people not including the exceeds. And again all the two paired groups will be paired with other groups to form groups of four and six"

Levy came near me and nudged my shoulder. I looked up to her. "Lucy are you wishing to be teamed up to Natsu?"

That made my face glow red, I asked her "Hopefully we will be teamed up but what about you Levy-chan are you planning to get teamed up to Gajeel?"

It was obvious since her face turned red that she was in love with Gajeel. Mira had written down some pairs.

Well they were obvious pairings such as Alzack and Bisca they were named Team AlBis. Mira was using her ship names and OTP's though it was obvious that whatever Mira called her OTP as she was the matchmaker were true.

She tried to make them come true. But all the matchmakings she made were meant to be true. Then she announced the next pairing that was Kinana and Cobra. Team KiCO. Has a nice ring to it doesn't it, but it's surprising that Cana's fortunes matched Mira's OTP's.

"Now Team AlBis and Team KiCO will be the team of four, which is Team Alzack, meaning Alzack as the leader"

Alzack and Bisca looked happy. Cobra or Eric and Kinana where happy, who knew until yesterday that Kinana was Cobra's pet snake that Natsu fought on our mission Nirvana.

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