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Disclaimer: I do NOT condone domestic violence, and I damn sure don't agree with staying with somebody after they abuse you. I just wrote this chapter because someone requested it. If this topic makes you uncomfortable, please skip it.

Robyn's POV
It's 2:37 a.m., and {Y/N} doesn't want to leave this party at all. The music is lame and I don't know anybody here, but she's having fun so decided to stay. I look over to see her grinding on some random guy. I slam my drink on the bar and run over to grab her. We leave the party and don't say a word until we reach our house.

"What the fuck were you doing, {Y/N}! You had no business rubbing your ass all over that nigga at the party!" I yelled. "Relax, he's just a friend," she giggled. She's lucky she's drunk because if she really thought this was funny, then she got me fucked up.
"{Y/N}, this isn't a damn joke. Why were you grinding on that guy at the party?" I said, trying to calm myself down. "We was just dancing. Stop trying to start some shit," she slurred. "Excuse me? I'm not starting anything. It was you who started it!" I lost my temper again. "You do this every time we go out. It's not like I'm actually cheating," she said. I just rolled my eyes and stormed off. "I can't stand her attitude," I heard {Y/N} mutter after I walked off. I ran up behind her and pushed her down. "Didn't think I heard you, huh?" I screamed. I threw punch after punch while {Y/N} struggled to block them. She yelled 'stop' until her voice grew hoarse. I paused because because I was out of breath. Once {Y/N} got off the floor, I pimp-slapped her. "For as long as you have breath in your body, don't you EVER talk to me like that again. You hear me?" I whispered while having a tight grip on her arm. She whimpered and ran upstairs after I let her go.

I called Mel to let her know I was coming over. I needed to calm down and vent to somebody. Mel opened the door with a pissed off look on her face. "Get your crazy ass in here. We gotta talk," she said. I walked in and sat on her couch. "Robyn, what the hell were you thinking hitting {Y/N} like that? She was drunk, damn it! You know she wasn't thinking straight so how can you hold her responsible for her actions. Should I remind you of some of the things you did when you were drunk? Trust me, they are nowhere near as bad as what she was doing. I'm so fucking ashamed of you. Didn't your mama teach you better than to hit a woman? Matter of fact, get out of my house and go apologize to {Y/N} RIGHT NOW!" she lectured.

I drove as fast as I could back home. {Y/N} was in our bedroom crying with the door locked. "Baby, open the door. I wanna talk to you," I said. She didn't move and her sobs got louder. "How could you do this to me? I'm covered in bruises now. How could you hurt me like this?" she cried. Something shattered against the door and I heard more choked crying. "{Y/N}, please open the door. I need to apologize to you. Please, just hear me out," I said.

{Y/N}'s POV
Robyn kept banging on the bedroom door, which made me more scared to open it. "Babygirl, please open the door. I really need to talk to you. I won't hurt you, I promise." She sounded like she was on the verge of tears. I finally opened the door, but I kept my distance from her. "{Y/N}, come sit on the bed," she said. I hesitated at first, but I decided to just follow her instructions.
She looked me in the eyes and said in the sweetest voice,"I really want to apologize for hitting you earlier. I don't know what I was thinking, but now I realize how horrible it was. When we first got together, we promised we'd never do anything to hurt each other. I feel like shit since I broke that promise. I never wanted to hurt you, baby. I just lost control of my temper and I am really, really, really sorry. Can you forgive me?"

I nodded my head yes as tears flowed down my sore cheeks. She tried to hug me but I backed away before she could reach me. "It's ok, {Y/N}, I'm not gonna hurt you," she whispered. I hugged her lightly, then cuddled her as we fell asleep. It wasn't really ok, but I have to learn to trust her again. I have to learn how to feel safe around her again.

This was a difficult chapter to write, but I hope you guys enjoy.
- Kieran

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