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Ok. I ran out of space on that entry and ended up staring at him for so long, the sun started rising and he went back inside.
I'll tell you what happened.
He is beauty magnified.
His shock of red hair is a definite head turner - but in a street full of sleeping people, it gains no attention. I wish to go closer to him to be able to see his eyes - I bet they're brighter than the moon and hold hope and happiness within them.
I genuinely sighed out loud then.
He's overtaking my thoughts and I've only seen him from a distance in the middle of the night as he looks at the sky.
Am I a peeping Tom?
Surely not. He was fully clothed and no nudity was involved.
Maybe I'm just a creep then.

My mums calling my name, I'm finally being acknowledged and I bet it's for something bad.


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